teaching machines


Enjoy the Invisible walls! Manny  

Griffits Puzzler (Timed Theme Test)


Laser Penguin!!!!!!!!!!!

Daddy penguin and mommy penguin fall deeply in love and have always dreamed of having a baby of their own. When they finally do, the Evil Penguin steals him for himself!!!!!!!!! You, as the daddy penguin, must bring your baby back home!!!!!!


This was a lot of fun to make. The rules are included in the game, and all that’s required is a keyboard and mouse. How convenient! Audience: Reflexive people who aren’t colorblind (sorry!) Progress: Increasing score bonus with each successive correct press Source: github: cs491-hw1

Puzzle – DeleteBlock

Puzzle – Chain Reaction


Puzzler – Room Escape

CS 145 Lecture 12 – Relational Operators

Agenda what ?s logic logic in Scratch relational operators TODO Read section 5.3. Share on a 1/4 sheet 2-3 questions, observations, or relational or logical expressions that you encounter in life. Note Code Relating.java Haiku

Maximal Momentum!

Submitted by Tyler Rusch for CS 491, September 30th 2015.

CS 491 Lecture 9 – Player Types and Lerping

Agenda what ?s design this discussion of Bartle’s Players Who Suit MUDs mouse to loading levels TODO Watch several of Unity’s tutorials on adding UIs: https://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials/modules/beginner/ui/ui-canvas?playlist=17111. On a 1/4 sheet, share any questions or observations you have, and answer these questions: How do you make a button image scale? What happens to a child UI […]

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