teaching machines

FISHERJK – Gaussian Pox

Thought Process: My thought process with this assignment was to first start figuring out how the indexing of the RGB channels worked and what a Gaussian Bump meant in this context. I then needed to figure out how to structure this in relation to the PPM file format. After writing the  Image class components and trying to grapple with the […]

FISHERR – Gaussian Pox

        (The images above were generated with different dimensions, RGB color channels, and variances.) For the Gaussian Pox homework, my thought process was as follows: Designing C++ Classes:  I had to carefully identify the necessary variables,methods, and logic, that would make the Image, Bump, and GaussianPox classes coordinate together. Research: how to […]

CS 330 Lecture 9 – A Calculator

Agenda what ?s a grammar lexing to get a token stream TODO 1/4 sheet: read chapter 1 in your book. Code Basecalc.g Haiku

CS 455 Lecture 6 – Matrices

Agenda what ?s dot product recasting rotation, scaling homogeneous coordinate recasting translation a Matrix4 class TODO Read about calculating normals and shading. I encourage you to read a few other sources as well. Bring a 1/4 sheet with 3-4 questions or observations. You are welcome to answer any these challenge questions: If a light is […]

CS 330 Lecture 8 – Regex Closeout

Agenda what ?s regex bingo a few more examples links between images double-spaces between sentences finding repeats ith field TODO Right now: You and a partner make a 4×4 grid of randomly generated strings. Include upper- and lowercase letters, numbers, whitespace, and punctuation. Keep the strings short. There’s no free space. Before Friday: Familiarize yourself […]

Gaussian Pox Submission

    There were a few obstacles that I had to overcome to get this lab to work.  The first was to actually get the PPM file to write.  I had the wrong header to the file so it would just print out black stripes.  Once i got the file to work I had to […]

CS 455 Lecture 5 – Indexed Geometry and OBJ Models

Agenda what ?s filled geometry GL_TRIANGLES reading in an OBJ model TODO Before next class: Lab: tweak our model renderer to allow the user to toggle between a wireframe and filled display of our model. See glPolygonMode. Participation: Next lecture we’re going to build a Matrix class to help us represent our transformations. Before that, […]

CS 330 Lecture 7 – Regex Cont’d

Agenda what ?s what does this do? substitution capturing lookaround assertions TODO 1/4 sheet: Try your hand at Regex Golf. Report some of your regices and your score. What Does This Do? Code arithmetic.txt calc.rb music.rb Haiku

CS 330 Regexercise Homework – due before February 20

See the PDF.

CS 330 Lecture 6 – Regex in Ruby

Agenda what ?s visualizing regex with Regexper asserting filtering with scan, grep, etc. substitutions TODO Start the Regexercise homework. At least the first two problems must be completed before February 20. Remember to follow the Bitbucket workflow. I encourage you to commit and push frequently—do not wait until you’ve got everything working. Code isa.rb nofoo.rb nocomments.rb […]

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