CS 347: Project 3 – React App – due December ?
In this third project, you will create a dynamic web app that interacts with the web service you created for project 2. Your project must meet the following expectations: Your app will provide a front-end interface to your web service. The user will consume, edit, and delete data by interacting with visual components in the […]
CS 347: Project 2 – Web Service – due October 28
In this second project, you will create a web service that will be consumed by a React client, which you will develop as part of the third project. Your project must meet the following expectations: Your service will not manage a to-do list. This is overdone. Come up with something interesting and original. You will […]
CS 347: Forcing HTTPS
When your browser sends an HTTP request from your local computer to a remote server and the server sends back a response, malicious users on the network could capture or sniff the messages. The headers and bodies of HTTP messages are readable. This is bad. Your messages might contain trade secrets, personal information that could […]
CS 347: Project 1 – Static Site – due September 30
In this first project, you will create a static website for a client using HTML and CSS. A static website is one whose content is baked into the HTML. This is in contrast to a dynamic website whose content is generated on the fly using JavaScript and queries to web services. You will create a […]
CS 347: Webdev Blog
This semester you will document your learning of web development in a blog that you serve out via the Apache web server. Each week you will seek out articles or videos on HTML, CSS, JavaScript, or other web development topics and then write a short response to these materials. Use external source materials, not just […]
CS 347: Digital Ocean Setup
Your projects and blog will be hosted on a web server that really lives on the web. You will set up your server with Digital Ocean, a company that hosts virtual machines—which they call droplets. Normally, droplets cost money. Thanks to the GitHub Student Developer Pack, you can get a $100 credit for Digital Ocean. […]
Project 5: Skeletal
In this project, you will explore skeletal animation and the popular 3D graphics API THREE.js. The requirements are intentionally open-ended so that you can direct your learning in ways you want it to go. Requirements To receive credit for this project, you must meet the following requirements: Create your project in a folder named skeletal […]
Project 4: Mapquest
In this project, you will create a first-person walker. The user will use the keyboard and mouse to navigate around a terrain and collect objects. The terrain, the collectibles, and the other objects in the environment fit a coherent theme of your choosing. For example, an alien might traverse the moon and collect flags, ignoring […]
Project 3: Gyromesh
In this project, you will create a viewer for arbitrary triangular meshes written in the OBJ format. The user can rotate the mesh in any direction using the mouse. If the movement is forceful, the mesh will continue to spin on its own. Requirements To receive credit for this project, you must meet the following […]
Project 2: Boxels
In this project, you will create an application that renders “boxelated” sculptures. You will coarsely approximate real-life objects using box primitives. The box locations and sizes will be stored in a text file, read in, and rendered in a rotisserie display. This project is inspired by the work of NVIDIA researcher Morgan McGuire. Requirements To […]