teaching machines

CS 145 Lecture 8 – Generous Methods

Agenda what ?s mail merge think like a method: what am I trying to do? what outside information do I need? generous methods get random letter (http://cscircles.cemc.uwaterloo.ca/java_visualize) program this TODO Start homework 2. Due before October 2. Program This 1 Write a Java method that prints the data used to generate a mailing label. What […]

CS 145 Half-homework 2 – due before October 2

See the PDF.


Allows you to take a picture.  This data will be saved to a local database on the phone.  We will persist language settings via preferences.  This application will be written for android. We are planning on obtaining achievements: 2. Use a local database to persist relational data. 4. Persist data using preferences. 7. Localize an […]

Ryan Pinter App Intent

I will be developing a Music Quiz App in similar fashion to the original app created for iPods up to 5th gen iPod videos. The app will feature music off of the users own device. Gameplay will consist of the app playing a song, displaying 4 possible answers, displaying a countdown timer, assigning a score […]

CS 436 Lecture 6 – Blocking and the UI Thread

Before Class Blu Watch http://youtu.be/0X0-HhEaWWQ. Read the AsyncTask documentation (http://developer.android.com/reference/android/os/AsyncTask.html). Read AsyncTasks Missteps (http://www.shanekirk.com/2012/04/asynctask-missteps). Gold Watch http://youtu.be/pDUrxeD62V4. Read Grand Central Dispatch In-Depth Part 1 (http://www.raywenderlich.com/60749/grand-central-dispatch-in-depth-part-1). In Class I’ve not seen any premortems yet. Get cracking! Haiku

IOU premortem

This is an app that will keep track of who owes you money and why they owe you money or vice versa.  The main page will be a list view with peoples names. The app will be able to link a person to a contact/pull contact data. It will have preferences. I am also going […]

CS 145 Lecture 7 – Random and Naming Our Code

Agenda what ?s grading twist weekly outside problems a parameterized circle a random parameterized circle methods a bunch of random parameterized circles hungry methods prepping data for mail merge TODO Attend the first SACM meeting. Several students will be speaking on their internship experiences from this past summer. Ask a thoughtful question of one of the […]

CS 396 Lecture 3 – Resume Review

Agenda internship panel vote on speaker invitees resume review TODO Read What Makes a Good Engineering Culture? Look up a company or two that you might like to work for on Glassdoor and its ilk. Share two questions and two observations on a 1/4 sheet. Companies Invited to the Career Breakfast 3M Applied Data Consultants […]

CS 436 Lecture 5 – Working with the Camera

Before Class Blu Read Taking Photos Simply (http://developer.android.com/training/camera/photobasics.html). Read/skim App Resources (http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/resources/overview.html). Watch http://youtu.be/zgBv_Gps9TI. Gold Read Camera Programming Topics for iOS (https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/AudioVideo/Conceptual/CameraAndPhotoLib_TopicsForIOS/Introduction/Introduction.html). Poke around the Auto Layout Guide (https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/UserExperience/Conceptual/AutolayoutPG/Introduction/Introduction.html). Watch http://youtu.be/5N3XKR3yLss. In Class Let’s get an app on an iOS device. Start by getting a development certificate: Build an app. Maybe have it take a picture. Register to […]

CS 145 Lecture 6 – Scanner and String

Agenda what ?s homework quiz in second half of lab hackathon (extra credit participation) close out computer as calculator computer as chef Scanner MADLIB how tall am I metrically? program this 1 String methods program this 2 Program This 1 Digital cameras are advertised in terms of how many megapixels are in the images they […]

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