teaching machines

CS 491 Lecture 5 – Rator Vaders

Agenda what ?s multisprites AD movement projectiles Design This You must entertain a niece or nephew for the next half-hour. You have an egg carton, a pocketful of change, some paperclips, and a d12. Design a game to play. Code 7e04c5d Haiku

CS 145 Lecture 5 – More on the Math Class

Agenda what ?s quiz tomorrow blackboxes more math problems switching between types TODO Tomorrow in lab is our first quiz. Prepare a question (or two or three, in case yours gets nabbed by someone else) to share with your lab group before the quiz. Topics we’ve hit upon so far include: the arithmetic operators, variables, […]

CS 491 Lab 1 – War

War The card game War is one of the saddest games ever invented. If you aren’t familiar with the game, ask your teammates. It is a 0-player game. It allows no strategy; it only needs two humans to move cards around. The winner is chosen at random, but death is dealt slowly to the loser. Let’s […]

CS 145 Lecture 4 – Types and the Math Class

Agenda what ?s program this expression evaluation the numeric primitives casting methods from the Math class TODO Read chapter 1, section 1.4, and chapter 2 through section 2.2. Create an account on Practice-It!, a Java quizzing website built by the authors of your textbook. Solve a few problems from chapters 1 or 2. Word on […]

CS 491 Lecture 4 – Finishing Mathch, Really

Agenda what ?s win logic switching between sprites adding sounds (sfxr) TODO Monday is our first lab. This weekend I’ll send out an email with teams. For Wednesday, read up on Transform, vector arithmetic, and Rigidbody. Check out both the manual and the scripting reference on Transform and Rigidbody. On a 1/4 sheet, answer these questions, making sure […]

Audiophile Wei

CS 145 Lecture 3 – Bitbucket and Variables

Agenda what ?s variables types the Math class TODO Set up your homework repository on Bitbucket by following the steps of the video below. Start homework 1. Note We continue our treatment of the computer as a glorified calculator, but we one-up those little number crunchers in a couple of ways. First, we give our […]

CS 145 Homework 1 – due before September 22

See the PDF.

CS 491 Lecture 3 – Finishing Mathch

Agenda what ?s avatars mouse events singleton coroutines swapping sprites TODO Read through the Scripting Overview, up through the Coroutines section. For Friday, write down on a 1/4 sheet 2-3 questions, ideas, connections, or observations drawn from your reading. Code d223074 Haiku

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