teaching machines


petza: Banana-nana-fofana

It took me about 20 minutes to figure out that I still had proportional editing on and that’s why I couldn’t move specific portions of the UV-mapped banana without moving everything else.

Honors 104.502 Lecture 7 – Co-o-no Cont’d

Agenda what ?s 1×1 tile prototypes co-o-no hide previous round co/no buttons feedback message TODO Watch 2D Catch Game. (There are three parts. Watch at least the first.) On a 1/4 sheet, write down 2-3 questions or observations. Note Today we start by sharing our prototypes with each other. As you share, give feedback: What […]


CS 330 Lecture 10 – Interpreting a Parse Tree

Agenda what ?s retcon: matching numeric ranges with regex evaluate this tree walking eager vs. lazy toward Logo Note We left off last time being able to lex and parse boolean expressions. Today we evaluate them by walking the parse tree. First off, let’s try doing this manually. Evaluate this tree: We’ll automate this evaluation […]


UV editing is very difficult

Honors 104.502 Lab 3 – Snake Cont’d

In this lab we’ll add some final features to the snake game: audio random egg placement walls continuous motion But first, if you didn’t get your work from last lab checked off, do so in the first 15 minutes of this lab. Checkpoint 1 Person A types. Sound Effects Download sfxr, a free 8-bit sound […]

CS 330 Lecture 9 – Grammars

Agenda the source-to-execution pipeline a boolean grammar terminals (the atoms) nonterminals (the molecules) productions an interpreter TODO Setup ANTLR4 per Getting Started with ANTLR4. Define the aliases in you shell’s startup files (.zshrc or .bashrc, probably) so they stick around between sessions. Create a lexer and parser for the boolean grammar provided below. On a 1/4 sheet, draw the […]

CS 491 Lecture 6 – UV Mapping

TODO For your first half-homework, research proportional editing and texture painting in Blender. Using both these tools, model a ripe banana. Post your result on the course blog under categories gamedev3, spring 2016, and gallery before Febuary 18. Lab Let’s get the cannon colorful and moving today! Finish Cannon If you didn’t finish your cannon from last lab, […]

Honors 104.502 Lecture 6: Co-o-no

Agenda what ?s a trivia game arrays bundling things together in classes adding buttons TODO Watch game designer Jonathan Blow speak on prototyping and meaningful work. If you have time, watch this longer talk. If you have less time, watch this shorter talk. (I’m one of those in the second group, and I watched both at […]

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