teaching machines

A Thing!

A Flower?

A subdivide and a whole bunch of scaling with connected proportional editing.

CS 330 Homework – Regexercise – due before February 18

See the PDF.

Installing a Newer Ruby with RVM

My department’s Linux machines don’t have a very new Ruby installed (1.8.7, which was released in 2008 and which has since been retired by the Ruby community). This old version is missing a number of useful features, like lookaround assertions in regular expressions! Instead of upgrading the system-wide Ruby, they recommend that each individual install […]

Pyramid Sky Scraper

Subdivide & extrude for the steps. Scale & pull for the spire.

Pinball Machine

Simple pinball machine from a cube


I made a donut.

Sixteen-Point Solid

I know this is simple, but elegant.

Arcade Machine

I made a Japanese “Candy Cab” style arcade machine.

CoonTrap 3000

It was a cube once…

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