teaching machines


For the final project, I had decided to implement the game of pong. Whoever gets a score of 10 first wins! I implemented this game with the idea that one would want to play against the computer, not another person. For this reason, I made a fairly simple method that made the Phone’s paddle follow […]

Final Exam – AlchemyLab – feltonj

If you read my pre-programming write-up, you would know that I’m attempting to solve the problem of wasting ingredients that don’t match each other in Skyrim. Problem solved. AlchemyLab doesn’t have all the features I set out to implement but it is definitely useful for those who want to spend any amount of time in front of […]


For the final project, I decided to create Pong. I plan to have a Game Activity, a View that will extend SurfaceView and implements the SurfaceHolder.callback.  My overall goal is to make Pong in a very simplistic way (nothing too fancy..), and if all goes well, perhaps researching into animation for the game (I feel animation is […]

CS 491 Lecture 24 – Trivia competition

Agenda ask 100 questions give out prizes Haiku  

CS 491 Lecture 23 – BThwack

Agenda BThwack We were going to talk about incorporating a two-player Bluetooth mode into Bluecheckers, but it was getting out of hand. Instead, I looked back at the last of apps you folks expressed interest in back at the beginning of the semester. And there is was. Whack-a-mole. But not just any Whack-a-mole, Bluetooth-enabled Whack-a-mole. […]

CS 491 Lecture 22 – Bluecheckers

Agenda case study of making a NDK/OpenGL powered game Bluecheckers A couple of weeks ago I got the latest issue of Make magazine in the mail. On page 56, Charles Platt describes a 2-player Chinese Checkers game. I thought, “That’d be fun on a mobile device.” We don’t have time to code it all from scratch, but […]


For Homework 3, I had decided to take the first few texts from TFLN and show them on my application.  To get the texts, I parsed the HTML that I had pulled from the homepage of the website. Because the website updates on its own, each time you open the application, you will get the […]

CS 491 Lecture 21 – Bluecheckers

Agenda explore GLSurfaceView hook GLSurfaceView.Renderer callbacks up to our C++ renderer incorporate UI events 3-D on Android Android offers a special GLSurfaceView for fast rendering. It also provides Java bindings for the OpenGL library. This added layer can reduce performance, so ultimately we’re going to want to use our low-level C++ code to do all […]

CS 491 Lecture 20 – OpenGL ES

Agenda discuss the OpenGL framework develop 3-D on the desktop in C++ migrate C++ to our Android device using JNI get a lit sphere running on a mobile device OpenGL ES It comes time in everyone’s life for a little 3-D. The process of taking 3-D objects and showing them on a 2-D screen is […]

Final Project – ezenagec – Pokemon Quiz and Info App

I’m a really big fan of Pokemon and have been playing the games since the very first one came out. So on that note, what I want to do is create an app that will have different quizzes on various aspects of Pokemon. This will include a quiz on things from the TV show, a […]

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