teaching machines

Feature 3 Post Mortem – Conor

This post mortem is about feature number 3, lighting my scene (with some specular highlights). I didn’t have to do anything special in setting up the shaders other than creating them as we have been all semester. Now I have a pretty purple man in my scene! [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RuZB2BwVPk&w=420&h=315]

CS 330 Lecture 38 – Monkey patching, Meta-programming, Blocks, and Mixins

Agenda what ?s monkey patching why monkey patch? a custom malloc reflection and meta-programming why meta-program? a testing framework adding blocks to TestTest mixins making things Orderable (IRL, use Comparable) ?s Are there non-English languages? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-English-based_programming_languages http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/2009/03/the-ugly-american-programmer.html What’s the point of symbols? http://www.troubleshooters.com/codecorn/ruby/symbols.htm http://glu.ttono.us/articles/2005/08/19/understanding-ruby-symbols http://www.robertsosinski.com/2009/01/11/the-difference-between-ruby-symbols-and-strings Is there something like tryruby.org for Haskell? http://tryhaskell.org Is there something […]

Feature 1 Post Mortem

Feature 1 was fairly straight forward, because we had a very good example and base of code to work on from the videos provided to us, I simply used the same method. I didn’t have any problems using this method, it just requires that you know the number of vertices and faces before you load […]

CS 330 Lecture 37 – Ruby Objects

Agenda what ?s why do I preincrement? Ruby symbols classes in Ruby The Final For the final, you are expected to: write code that intelligently shares data via references (C++) be able to templatize a given class to increase its reusability (C++) generalize functions into higher-order functions that parameterize work (Haskell) use pattern matching to […]

Feature 10 Post Mortem

Implementing billboards was pretty straightforward after Dr. Johnson’s videos went up.  I experimented with some grass, some dead grass, and some bushes, but in the end I settled on seaweed due to a request.  You just have to imagine that this is a very special desert.  Anyway, I did not use geometry shaders, because for […]

Feature 7 Post Mortem

Adding fog to my scene was much simpler than I had expected.  At first, I was not very satisfied with how the fog appeared.  I had a couple of ideas for improvement, none of which panned out very well.  The most promising of these was to create multiple boxes of fog, so that it would […]

Feature 2-Emmertac

The terrain generation was pretty fun besides a couple errors. One is still presently the bane of my existence: a compiler error c2011 which is a type redefinition that just points to a class and crashes, and Microsoft’s explanation isn’t helpful. And it doesn’t stop for the debugger either. However it crashed when I was fiddling with my […]

CS 330 Lecture 36 – Hello, Ruby and Roogle II

Agenda what ?s what does this do? Ruby’s classification dynamic typing and duck typing finishing Roogle What Does This Do? Dynamic vs. Duck With dynamic typing, the interpreter goes through this thought process: Ah, I’ve got a value V here. The coder is trying to do operation O to it. Before I run this, I […]

Feature 10 Post Mortem

Drawing billboards in my scene wasn’t terribly hard. The hardest part was finding an image I wanted to use and loading it in properly. I needed transparency for my grass images, so I had to export the image from Gimp as a C file. I also had to shrink down the image’s size so Visual […]

CS 330 Lecture 35 – Roogle, a Poor Man’s Search Engine

Agenda what ?s program this a simple search engine scrappy Ruby top-level functions imperative and object-oriented with some functional globals vs. locals Hash, Array, and Set Program This TODO Make some progress on http://tryruby.org. Quarter sheet. Code Indexing Pseudocode Searching Pseudocode roogle.rb Haiku

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