teaching machines

Homework 1 – xiongchu

My flashmob application asks the user a set of questions and stores their answers. I implemented a back button, which allow the user to return to previous questions and edit the user’s input. I also created a save button that will save the inputs to that specific question. I created a menu with menu items […]

Java Flash Cards Assignment 1

This is a basic flash card app.  A statement about java is displayed with true and false buttons below.  There is a set of 10 questions that loop continuously as if you were studying flash cards and want to keep going through them all.  The user selects true or false and pop up message is […]

CS 145 Lecture 7

Topics Covered what does this do? generating a random spelunking workout for loop = while loop, but more compact sum numbers 1 to n an acrostic editor mouse trails What does this do? public static String ?(??) { return text + ” :)”; } public static ? ??(String text) { return text.length() == 0; } […]

Generalized IQ Test

I decided to design my program to ask five questions that any person would be expected to know the answer to, and allow them to enter their answers to be used to make a judgement about their intelligence.     My program has the five standard questions to be used to judge someones intelligence. Questions are […]

Homework1 – Quizzle

Overview: After bouncing around a few ideas, I finally settled on a simple quiz application in a bit of a “Who Wants To Be A Millionaire” format (1 question, 4 answers).                            Right now I have 10 default questions loaded in the game.  A user can either cycle through the questions and answer specific […]

CS 491 Lecture 8 – Rattler

Agenda Start an application for composing ringtones Write a ListActivity Get a taste of Android’s SQLite API Share data globally throughout an application Insert and select from a database RTTTL Nokia put together a specification for a mini-language for encoding ringtones. It’s called RTTTL. The language is fairly straightforward. You’ve got three parts separated by […]

Assignment 1 Post Mortem

So for this assignment I took the dichotomous key idea Dr Johnson suggested in the write-up, and thought I’d make a flowchart. Actually I thought I’d make a very specific flowchart, that being the Tech Support Cheat Sheet from xkcd.com by Randall Munroe. For the layout of the flowchart I needed a text view and […]

CS 491 Final Project – due before 11/17 and 12/?

See the PDF.

CS 491 Lecture 7 – Persistence of Ketchup

Agenda reflecting preferences in summaries actually setting default preference values inspecting files with adb restoring a paused game incorporating word categories passing information to spawned Activitys Updating summaries You can set a preference’s summary with: EditTextPreference pref = (EditTextPreference) getPreferenceScreen().findPreference(getString(R.string.goal)); pref.setSummary(“The first team to ” + prefs.getString(getString(R.string.goal), “0”) + ” wins”); So, how can you […]

CS 145 Lab 4

Last lab we looked at methods. Grasping this idea of pushing out sequences of instructions to these standalone “subprograms” is of utmost importance to your proper understanding of computer science and programming. It’s so important that this week’s lab does not introduce any new topics. Please take the time to ask questions and resolve any […]

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