teaching machines

borglimj hw1

I decided to make a quiz machine that is generated dynamically by the user. On the home page you can choose to add categories to your quiz.  Such as math, science, random questions.  You can create as many categories as you would like.  Whats your satisfied with the number of categories, its time to start […]

CS 145 Lecture 8

Agenda an example animation finish summing compound booleans logical operators && and || Code Summer.java package lecture; public class Summer { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println(sum(100)); } public static int sum(int n) { int runningTotal = n; while (n > 0) { n = n – 1; runningTotal = runningTotal + n; } […]

leggitns Homework 1 Post Mortem

I set out to create a sort of  quiz app of sorts with allowing users the ability for users to create their own questions and group them by categories as well as play preloaded quizzes.  Unfortunately, due to time constraints, or more appropriately, poor time management on my part, I was unable to implement any […]

kozuchaj hw1

I wrote a basic math flash cards application. The user is greeted with a menu screen with basic info about the program, and a button to start playing. I tried to implement a settings menu attached to this screen but I couldn’t get it to open at all. Once the use hits play they are […]

World’s hardest easiest quiz

This program takes a list of questions from the world’s easiest quiz that’s been floating around the Internet if you look around a bit.  Most questions are tricks, which is what makes it so fun!  Information is generally input and output through dialog boxes, and the program is started with a Wargames-esque button next to […]

Jahnke Homework 1, QQs

My question game is rather simple and quick. These questions are multiple choice questions. The question is asked both at the top of the screen and is briefly toasted to you. So you can see the question, and answer it as quickly as possible. While I did not create a timer, I imagined this to be […]

bischetw hw 1

The app I wrote is called Questionize. It’s basically just like everything else that’s been posted… at least 5 questions and such. For my app, if a user gets a question wrong, the user can retry, try again later, or skip the question entirely.  When the user is done with the game he or she […]

Quizzer (hw1)

               A super simple five question Quiz app. Only two classe were necessary, the QuestionDatabase class and the QuizzerActivity class. All scoring and display programming was done in the Activity class onCreate initialized the questions and score, and requested the GUI to display the first question updateScore figured out which radioButton was checked from the […]

CS 491 Assignment 1 – Post mortem

So, the flashcard app – a simple idea that, in some areas, proved to be fairly challenging. My flashcard app generates random math problems. The user can customize the range of the randomly generated numbers along with which math operations are used, and how many total problems are in the set. The UI is fairly […]

Homework 1– stackhcj

I chose to make a vocabulary application. This application has 10 random words stored and it gives you their definition. Your job is to choose which definition is the correct one.   If you decide that you do not want to guess the current word definition, you may skip on to the next definition by pressing […]

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