CS 347: Lab 16 – Follownet
Dear students: Welcome to lab. Now’s your chance to apply the ideas you read about. Find a partner and complete as much of the task below as you can. At the end of our time together, paste your files into Crowdsource in order to receive credit. Task 1 Create a database with two tables. The […]
CS 347: Lab 13 – Node Shell
Dear students: Welcome to lab. Now’s your chance to apply the ideas you read about. Find a partner and complete as much of the task below as you can. At the end of our time together, paste your HTML files into Crowdsource in order to receive credit. Converting a Callback to a Promise Imagine you […]
CS 347: Lab 14 – The People’s Dictionary
Dear students: Welcome to lab. Now’s your chance to apply the ideas you read about. Find a partner and complete as much of the task below as you can. At the end of our time together, paste your HTML files into Crowdsource in order to receive credit. The People’s Dictionary Your task in this lab […]
CS 347: Lab 15 – The People’s Dictionary Continued
Dear students: Welcome to lab. Now’s your chance to apply the ideas you read about. Find a partner and complete as much of the task below as you can. At the end of our time together, paste your files into Crowdsource in order to receive credit. Task 1 Your first task in this lab is […]
CS 347: Lab 12 – Rhyme Search
Dear students: Welcome to lab. Now’s your chance to apply the ideas you read about. Find a partner and complete as much of the task below as you can. At the end of our time together, paste your HTML files into Crowdsource in order to receive credit. Task 1 Reverse engineer the following page, which […]
CS 347: Lab 11 – Client-side JavaScript
Dear students: Welcome to lab. Now’s your chance to apply the ideas you read about. Find a partner and complete as much of the task below as you can. At the end of our time together, paste your HTML files into Crowdsource in order to receive credit. Task 1 Recreate the following little game: The […]
CS 347: Lab 10 – Media Queries Continued
Dear students: Welcome to lab. Now’s your chance to apply the ideas you read about. Find a partner and complete as much of the task below as you can. At the end of our time together, paste your HTML files into Crowdsource in order to receive credit. Dark Mode In addition to querying for details […]
CS 347: Lab 9 – Media Queries
Dear students: Welcome to lab. Now’s your chance to apply the ideas you read about. Find a partner and complete as much of the task below as you can. At the end of our time together, paste your HTML files into Crowdsource in order to receive credit. Task 1 Recreate the following page using an […]
CS 347: Lab 8 – Position
Dear students: Welcome to lab. Now’s your chance to apply the ideas you read about. Find a partner and complete as many of the tasks below as you can. At the end of our time together, paste your HTML files into Crowdsource in order to receive credit. Task 1 A pricing grid is a pattern […]
CS 347: Lab 7 – Flexbox 2
Dear students: Welcome to lab. Now’s your chance to apply the ideas you read about. Find a partner and complete as many of the tasks below as you can. At the end of our time together, paste your HTML files into Crowdsource in order to receive credit. Task 1 Recreate the following page using an […]