CS 488: Lab 8 – Moon
Welcome to lab, which is a place where you and your peers complete exercises designed to help you learn the ideas discussed in the preceding lectures. It is intended to be a time where you encounter holes in your understanding and talk out loud with your peers and instructor. Your instructor will bounce around between […]
CS 488: Lab 7 – Camera
Welcome to lab, which is a place where you and your peers complete exercises designed to help you learn the ideas discussed in the preceding lectures. It is intended to be a time where you encounter holes in your understanding and talk out loud with your peers and instructor. Your instructor will bounce around between […]
CS 488: Lab 6 – Trackball
Welcome to lab, which is a place where you and your peers complete exercises designed to help you learn the ideas discussed in the preceding lectures. It is intended to be a time where you encounter holes in your understanding and talk out loud with your peers and instructor. Your instructor will bounce around between […]
CS 488: Lab 5 – Torus
Welcome to lab, which is a place where you and your peers complete exercises designed to help you learn the ideas discussed in the preceding lectures. It is intended to be a time where you encounter holes in your understanding and talk out loud with your peers and instructor. Your instructor will bounce around between […]
CS 488: Lab 4 – Lit Cube
Welcome to lab, which is a place where you and your peers complete exercises designed to help you learn the ideas discussed in the preceding lectures. It is intended to be a time where you encounter holes in your understanding and talk out loud with your peers and instructor. Your instructor will bounce around between […]
CS 488: Lab 3 – Rotating Tetrahedron
Welcome to lab, which is a place where you and your peers complete exercises designed to help you learn the ideas discussed in the preceding lectures. It is intended to be a time where you encounter holes in your understanding and talk out loud with your peers and instructor. Your instructor will bounce around between […]
CS 488: Lab 2 – Matrices
Welcome to lab, which is a place where you and your peers complete exercises designed to help you learn the ideas discussed in the preceding lectures. It is intended to be a time where you encounter holes in your understanding and talk out loud with your peers and instructor. Your instructor will bounce around between […]
CS 488: Lab 1 – Points
Welcome to lab, which is a place where you and your peers complete exercises designed to help you learn the ideas discussed in the preceding lectures. It is intended to be a time where you encounter holes in your understanding and talk out loud with your peers and instructor. Your instructor will bounce around between […]
CS 347: Lab 22 – MP3 Player, Part II
Welcome to lab. This lab is a continuation of the previous lab. Team, complete the assigned task below. Host, be careful not to dominate. All members should contribute ideas. Task Your task is to write a music library explorer called MyTunes—which could sometime be fleshed out to be a full-fledged web-based MP3 player. You will […]
CS 347: Lab 21 – MP3 Player, Part I
Welcome to lab. By now you have already watched the lecture videos on your own. Now we will apply the ideas from those videos in an exercise, which you will complete in small groups. Within your breakout room, designate one of your team to be the host. Host, claim your group’s task on Crowdsource. Make […]