teaching machines

CS 330: Lecture 3 – State Machines and More Regex

Dear students, Before diving into code, let’s be computer scientists for a minute. We’re going to consider a model of computation called a deterministic finite automaton (DFA). A DFA is a special case of a state machine. Here’s a state machine used to model an avatar’s state in a game: Thanks, Bob Nystrom. And one […]

CS 330: Lecture 2 – Regex Capturing and Find-All

Dear students, Last time we started looking a regular expressions. There’s something I didn’t share because I was afraid your minds would explode. It’s this: Regex is a language for recognizing a language. We use regex to create little recognition machines. We feed a string into such a machine, and it either belches approvingly or […]

CS 491: Workday 1

Dear students: Today is our first workday. You and your team will spend the time hashing out ideas, discussing one anothers’ strengths and interests, and coming up with a plan. In particular, these are some things to do during class today: Inform your instructor of your studio’s name and employees. He will make a private […]

CS 318: Lab 2 – Core Elements, Relationships, and Validation

Dear students, Today we meet the core elements of an HTML document. First, a little review of your reading: Question #1 Provide an example of a TLD. Question #2 What is the subdomain of the URL https://to.madeup.xyz? Question #3 What is the protocol of the URL https://to.madeup.xyz? Question #4 If computers on the internet are […]

CS 491: Lecture 1 – Push Button

Welcome to CS 491! The Registrar doesn’t really give this elective class a name, but between you and me, I’m calling it Game Development and Physical Computing. The Game Development part means we’re going to be making games. The Physical Computing part means we’re going to be assembling hardware. That hardware will sense the world […]

CS 330: Lecture 1 – Asserting Patterns with Regex

Dear students, Welcome to CS 330: Programming Languages! What’s this class about? Well, imagine you are a biology student taking a class on mammals and every lecture, lab, and homework is on cows. You wouldn’t really be a biologist at the end of this class. You’d be a cowist. A cow gives you one picture […]

CS 318: Lab 1 – HTML and Tools

Dear students, Welcome to CS 318. In this class we learn to make web pages. We’ll learn some technologies like HTML5 and CSS, which are primary tools of the web design trade. But more importantly, we’ll also grow our brains to think about how to structure information, separate style from content, and communicate through technology […]

CS 1: Lecture 38 – Binary Search

Dear students, We close our semester today with a discussion of finding things quickly with the binary search. We will illustrate the algorithm and implement it in the context of a dictionary/spell-checker. Earlier in the semester we discussed the linear search. Let’s revisit that algorithm first by locating a spice in our spice rack. What […]

CS 396: Meeting 14 – Applied Data Consultants

Dear students, Today we welcome Marc Harter of Applied Data Consultants as our guest. When I first moved to this town, one of my students told me about this guy named Marc that he worked with. This Marc apparently had an amazing knowledge of web technologies, and most of it was self-taught. A little later […]

CS 1: Lecture 37 – Lights Out

Dear students, It’s the last week! Given that we’re all stressed and ready to be done, let’s play a game today. Just kidding, let’s make one instead. We’re going to implement Lights Out, which started off as a handheld game from Tiger Electronics: The game is played on a 5×5 grid of lights, some of […]

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