teaching machines

Homework 3 – Thompbla

Reddit For Fun For my project I decided to create a simple app that retrieves titles and image links from Reddit using their restful API. The app loads up the top 25 current pictures and allows you to view them in your default browser. The project did not go too great. Its not that grabbing […]

bischetw Top Hacker News

My app doesn’t really do much that looks technically complicated and, as far as I’m concerned, it shouldn’t be technically complicated (but for me it was). My app connects to news.ycombinator.com (hacker news) and pulls the first 5 pages of top stories. I thought that this would be very hard and the first thing I […]

Homework 3 – hardymar – Media Suggestion App

What does the app do? The idea for my Homework 3 project is an application that you use when you are bored and looking for something to do. The app first has tyou log into facebook. After you log in you can then choose a media type. My app then choose some of your friends […]

Thesaurus Homework 3

This application was initially supposed to take in a word and then using a RESTful API, return JSON data indicating it’s nouns, verbs, synonyms, ect. JSON was in the form {“noun”:{  “syn”:[“news”,”intelligence”,”tidings”,”discussion”,”give-and-take”,”parole”,”word of honor”,”Son”,”Word”,”Logos”,”password”,”watchword”,”countersign”,”Bible”,”Christian Bible”,”Book”,”Good Book”,”Holy Scripture”,”Holy Writ”,”Scripture”,”Word of God”,”arcanum”,”computer memory unit”,”hypostasis”,”hypostasis of Christ”,”info”,”information”,”language”,”language unit”,”linguistic unit”,”oral communication”,”order”,”positive identification”,”promise”,”religious text”,”religious writing”,”sacred text”,”sacred writing”,”secret”,”speech”,”speech communication”,”spoken communication”,”spoken language”,”statement”,”voice communication”] […]

HW3: GrabATweet

With this assignment I aimed for simplicity to reduce the number of possible issues I could run into.  I decided to uses Twitter’s RESTAPI to do a simple pull of a single status.  To “spice” things up, so to speak, I decided to make the tweet random and allow the user to grab as many […]

Homework 3 – jacoblj

My program connects to a site to pull information about baseball teams. The user enters the program for the first time and is immediately asked their favorite team, after this it will show them the logo of the team and color every time they enter. From this main menu you can look at teams, or if you […]

Homework 3 – wettstaj

Wow Insider RSS Simulator                  I am proud to announce that i have finished my app! So basically, this app was designed to be like an RSS feed simulator for a website that i often like to visit (Wow Insider). However, i really hate that the page only shows a few articles, and wanted to […]

Homework 3 – News of the world

This time I made a simpler application largely based using he twitter API. I was slightly disappointed with how much I implemented, but I would probably like to expand on this application in the future for personal use. It’s a simple trend following application. You can see the either Worldwide Trends or United States trends […]

Homework 3 – meierdg

I attempted to modify my fortune cookie for program 2 to go out to a web api to retrieve their fortunes as well.  I did this in part to show that all programs can be improved in one way or another, and mainly because my free time is vastly limited by my two jobs.  In […]

Homework 3 – feltonj – TwitterBug

Do you ever get the feeling to dance whenever you read twitter, just boogey-down and perhaps do the “jitter-bug” well, good news for you I created the “TwitterBug” app for your android device! Here is what my app does: Retrieves tweets from twitter based on a search. The default search is “day9tv”. Allows you to […]

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