teaching machines

Alex T – Walk Cycle

Punished Snake – A fallen legend Resource: http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110619130451/metalgear/images/6/61/MG1_Big_Boss.PNG

CS 145 Lecture 29 – ArrayList and 2D Arrays

Agenda what ?s program this ArrayList vs. array to higher dimensions TODO Finish homework 5. Note We start with a Program This in two installments: You are an armchair runner. Instead of competing in races, you like to figure out where you would have finished had you actually run. You want to write a method that determines […]

Man With no Arms Walks


Sith Animation

Source: http://www.manningkrull.com/pixel-art/walking.php Exported as gif in Gimp.

Walking Animation

Tyler Rusch

Walk Cycle

Source: Tutorial: Walking animation for low-res sprites

2 frame walk cycle

By no means am I anything close to decent with art or animations. Reference: http://www.manningkrull.com/pixel-art/walking.php

CS 145 Lecture 28 – Array Exercises, Cont’d

Agenda what ?s blackboxes Note Arrays are a really simple idea, but I’d wager that most of my bugs come from code that involves arrays. There are a lot more moving parts. Today, then, we complete a few more array exercises. But let’s get a feel for the problems through some Blackboxes before we reimplement their […]

RobH Walking

He is small but super cool. He won’t be blurry in game.

CS 491 Lecture 18 – 2D Effectors

Agenda what ?s adding textures to platforms platform effectors conveyors via surface effectors bombs via point effectors TODO Find and read a reference on building walkcycles for 2D sprites. For next Wednesday’s 1/4 sheet, post an animated GIF to the blog under categories fall 2015, gamedev2, and post mortems. In the post, identify your reference(s). Code e0d7529

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