teaching machines

Galaga Clone

  I have not gotten the highscore table to work yet. The levels do advance in difficulty, but there is no text that shows what level you are currently on or how many lives you have left.

Pacman – WEIRC

<iframe src=”//itch.io/embed/41505″ width=”552″ height=”167″ frameborder=”0″></iframe> I tried for more than half an hour, I simply could not get the widget to display, when I tried to edit in the Text mode, the iframe code is just gona when I click Update. I gave up, below is a link: http://xiaotang923.itch.io/pacman?secret=ZTDkRcy9SbIBK9YNs6w1JhMP6kg Arrow keys to move

CS 145 Homework 5 – due before November 13

See the PDF.

albrignj Arcade

Use the arrow keys to move and space bar to shoot. Use the enemy on the top to get the game over screen.


Midway 3043


Dragon Fire

  A dragon awakens… Sleeping villagers have awoken to their homes burning to the ground! As knights, it is your duty to help the villagers escape the fire in any way possible!


Galactipede (Griffits)


CS 145 Lecture 24 – Accumulation

Agenda what ?s accumulation pattern Note We continue our discussion of common patterns we see with loops. Today we visit the accumulation pattern, where a loop iterates through a collection and accumulates values in some variable of larger scope. Accumulations tend to look like this: initialize soFar for each item integrate item into soFar end use […]

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