teaching machines

CS 491 Lecture 16 – Walking and Jumping

Agenda what ?s walking animation state transitions via parameters jumping TODO Finish those arcade games! Code 68f0ece Haiku

Arcade: Arkanoid

[emunity src=”//itch.io/embed/41296″ width=”552″ height=”167″]

CS 145 Lecture 23 – Optimization and Accumulation

Agenda what ?s loop patterns: optimization accumulation TODO Read chapter 5 in your book. You’ve already read section 5.3. Write down 2-3 questions or observations on a 1/4 sheet for Friday. Note Today we continue our discussion of loop patterns. Last time we look at the pervasive loop and a half. Now we look at the […]

CS 491 Lecture 15 – Animations

Agenda what ?s coherent this animations via… sprite frames Unity animation editor TODO Watch Player and Enemy Animations, Player Animator, and maybe Animate Anything from the Unity tutorials. I usually play these at double speed. Write down 2-3 questions/observations on a 1/4 sheet for Friday. Coherent This You’re developing a game with a message. But it’s still a game, […]

CS 145 Lecture 22 – Loop-and-a-half

Agenda what ?s what does this do? looping patterns: loop and a half accumulation selection TODO Let’s not have lab tomorrow. This was anticipated! Quiz 4 is and has been scheduled for next week. For Wednesday, complete some loop questions on CodingBat, sections String-2 or String-3, or Practice-It!, section BJP3 Chapter 5. Note Loops add a […]

CS 145 Lecture 21 – Working with Images

I’m at conference in Atlanta this week, so we will not have our regular lecture on Wednesday and Friday. However, to help you complete homework 4 and see for loops in action, I’ve recorded a few videos that manipulate images in various ways. Flipping Swapping Colors Gradient Splitting

CS 145 Lecture 20 – For Loops

Agenda what ?s the anatomy of while the disfigured for TODO Lab is on for tomorrow, but there’s no lecture Wednesday or Friday. Watch lecture 21. No 1/4 sheet. Start homework 4, which is due before November 2. Sync on Bitbucket and pull to get the latest SpecChecker. Mercy Bounty If you did not get […]

CS 145 Homework 4 – due before November 2

See the PDF.

CS 491 Lab 5 – Game Jam

Today we’re going to have a little game jam. A game jam is an event where people rapidly develop a game in a short amount of time. These game jams often have a theme, since creativity loves nothing better than constraint. Ours too will have a theme. So here’s your task: Make a game in […]

Arcade: Galaxy Fighter

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