teaching machines

CS 145 Lecture 37 – Instance vs. Static vs. Local

Agenda what ?s instance vs. local vs. static  Vector2D a slideshow application Note Whenever you declare a variable, you have to decide a few things: what type will it be? what will I name it? who needs access to it? how long will it need to live? Different answers to the last two questions lead us to […]

The Boogie Man

DDR: Polaroid -Single-

Must use Firefox, Opera, or Internet Explorer to play!

Blocky’s Chest Conundrum


Time Runner – rogersta

For some reason mouse clicks register but not keyboard presses unless full screened first. Unity Web Player Version:



Zombie Runner – mellomj

Platformer – Jump

Commanders Keep (Griffits)



You have trained your whole life, knowing you had a purpose, but unsure of what it may be.

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