teaching machines

Feature 2 Post Mortem

Overall implementing the terrain generation and height map was not overly difficult. The first problem I came across was editing the ruby file we created in the tutorial, in order to orient the terrain in the same aspect as the camera. The grid value had to be switched to the center in output as well […]

CS 330 Lecture 18 – A Logo REPL

Agenda what ?s why write our own languages? program this building an interpreter… …with a REPL TODO Nada. Though you wish to write more exam questions and post them in the comments. The more questions you come up with, the fewer I’ll come up with. Program This Code Logo.g4 makefile Note to copy and pasters: […]

Feature 1 Post Mortem

Loading .obj meshes into my scene was a relatively straightforward process. I essentially created an array of programs, attributes, meshes, albedos, etc., and looped through each one in the OnDraw() call to display each one. In order to display copies of a mesh, I actually used a vector of vectors of xform matrices. This sounds […]

Feature 3 Post Mortem

This feature is all about lighting.  We’ve covered this all in great depth in class already, so there really wasn’t a whole lot that gave me any trouble.  The lighting includes ambient, diffuse, and specular lighting (using the Blinn method in particular).  Everything I used as a reference came directly from Chris Johnson. Here are […]

Feature 1 Post Mortem

Loading a .obj mesh is a relatively straightforward task using the masterfully written code provided to us by Chris Johnson (Extra Credit?).  I decided to augment the ObjUtilities class to make it slightly more robust.  The utility can now handle comment lines or other odd lines throughout the file, as well as count the vertecies […]

Feature 5

In order to get this feature to work I had to do two main things: Add a terrain class that I could use to sample the terrain height at a given location, and improve the camera class to function more like a fps camera. My terrain class is a height map that is generated from […]

Feature 2

Generating terrain wasn’t terribly hard. At first, I wanted to write my own generator, with an algorithm other than diamond square. I wanted a landscape that resembled mountain ranges more than rolling hills. I got about half way there. The issue was all of the mountains looked like long, skinny ramps due to the order […]

CS 330 Lecture 17 – Callbacks and Parsing with ANTLR

Agenda one more thing on C function pointers: callbacks http://www.opengl.org/resources/libraries/glut/spec3/node46.html http://www.opengl.org/resources/libraries/glut/spec3/node54.html#SECTION00089000000000000000 program this the translation process: lexing, parsing, generating ANTLR v4 why write our own languages and parsers? TODO Read chapter 2 through section 2.1. Walk through http://www.antlr.org/wiki/display/ANTLR4/Getting+Started+with+ANTLR+v4. Quarter sheet. Program This Code torus.c Divs.g4 messy.txt PrettyPrinter.java Haiku

CS 455 Lecture 12 – Specular and Texture

Before Class Texture Watch http://youtu.be/xvML4htJAVU. Read chapter 4, sections Introduction through Applying a 2-D Texture, pages 105-110. Specular Watch http://youtu.be/EM4x35haH7c. Read chapter 2, section Implementing Per-Vertex ADS Shading, pages 55-62. Read chapter 3, sections Using Per-fragment Shading… through Using the Halfway Vector…, pages 88-93. In Class Augment your maze renderer from last class with a shiny texture: […]

CS 330 Lecture 16 – Polymorphism in C, Higher-order Functions

Agenda what ?s answer this! polymorphism in C through unions higher-order functions in C TODO Rest. Answer This! Code makefile Note to copy and pasters: makefile rules need to be indented with real tabs, not spaces. stack.h stack.c names.c sorters.c Haiku

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