teaching machines

Homework 3 – Seven Seas of Rhyme

Ok, first and foremost, the title is a pun a Queen song. Now that the most important piece of information is out of the way lets get to the app. For this assignment I hooked a simple GUI onto RhymeBrain.com‘s rhyming dictionary API. In addition to rhyming words, the API has two other functions: it […]

CS 491 Lecture 17 – Falling Math

Agenda issue camera and gallery intents recognize speech write a custom speech recognizer write a gesture recognizer Falling Math Our next app will satisfy several of your requests from your apps wish list: a Space Invaders game, incorporation of novel mobile hardware, and some 2-D drawing stuff (though not much). What’s the app? Well, mathematical […]

CS 491 Lecture 16 – Wevents Part V

Agenda Post-haste I never got notes written when this post was first published. These are being written two months later. They won’t flow. Flushing remote changes When a user changes a calendar event, we always commit it to the local database first. This caching scheme is called writeback; we make our changes to the cache […]

CS 491 Lecture 15 – Wevents Part IV

Agenda schedule mobile OS talks inserting and editing adding a cache marshalling compound data detecting a network connection pushing changes Problem We mentioned last time that the advantage of an IntentService + ResultReceiver over an AsyncTask is only seen when the background task does more than update the UI, like maintain a local cache. Such […]

CS 491 Lecture 14 – Wevents Part III

Agenda write an AsyncTask AsyncTask vs. IntentService + ResultReceiver handling ResultReceiver configuration changes saving instance state adding a ListActivity hello, JSON add events AsyncTask In these days of big data, complex computation, and networks, we have need to perform background tasks whose results affect the UI. As UI stuff can only be done on the […]

Homework 2 – wettstaj

Guess All The Megaman Bosses! This app was going to be really cool if i could have finished it. The basic idea was that, when you type in a word, it would search a premade database for the list of bosses. Every time you typed in a correct boss it would populate a text field […]

CS 491 Homework 3 – due before 11/4

See the PDF.

CS 491 Lecture 13 – Wevents Part II

Agenda design an app for managing family events hook up to a remote database merge PostgreSQL, PHP, JSON, and Android Ice Cream Sandwich It was unveiled yesterday. Asynchronous networking Okay, our database backend is in order. Our PHP scripts will serve as the bridge between the database and clients, who will perform all transactions through […]

Homework 2 Videogame Wishlist

So for this assignment, I just wanted to create something that’s simple but useful.  It’s that time of year again when all the good videogames come out.  Of course, being how games are $60 these days, gamers such as myself don’t really buy a game unless it’s totally worth it and it’s something that we’d […]

Homework Two – Pokedex

For my assignment using lists and databases,I decided to create a very basic Pokedex. It includes the first 4 generations (493) Pokemon, with some rather basic information on each one stored in a database. That is, by any stretch of the imagination, too long of a list to have in a single android list activity. […]

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