teaching machines

Last.fm Artist Finder – kendziba hw3

For this homework assignment I decided to hook into the API of one of my favorite online music sites; last.fm! Last.fm is an online community focused around tracking the music users listen to and providing recommendations based on that data. Last.fm also does a very good job at providing useful data about different musicians like […]

kozuchaj hw3 Meme generator

For this homework I decided to work with an automated meme generator provided by: http://api.automeme.net/ Their service was really easy to use in all that I had to do was GET the results of one of the webpages listed on their website instructions. One problem I ran into was that they do not format their JSON […]

Pokemon Info Searcher – ezenagec – Homework 3

So this assignment didn’t go nearly as planned at all. I’m a big Pokemon fan so I had a simple but kinda useful idea of creating an app that takes the Pokemon’s name that you’ll type in, and then hand you back a bunch of information about that Pokemon. There are 649 known Pokemon thus […]

RepreWho – Homework 3 – weeksc

First things first, I realize I’m late turning this in, so apologies to everyone out there who’s been waiting with bated breath for me to submit this. Yeah…pretty sure that’s no one. Anyway, there is a reason it’s late and that reason is this – I had 2 bugs that I’ve been trying to get […]

Homework 3 – Uncens.us

Uncens.us is a map-based demographics browsing tool. Using an API from infochimps.com, the application connects a user to data from the US Census Bureau’s 2009 American Community Survey, grouped at a census tract level. The name comes from an impulse-buy domain I registered sometime last year (a hobby I can’t seem to get enough of…). […]

Homework 3 – Thompbla

Reddit For Fun For my project I decided to create a simple app that retrieves titles and image links from Reddit using their restful API. The app loads up the top 25 current pictures and allows you to view them in your default browser. The project did not go too great. Its not that grabbing […]

bischetw Top Hacker News

My app doesn’t really do much that looks technically complicated and, as far as I’m concerned, it shouldn’t be technically complicated (but for me it was). My app connects to news.ycombinator.com (hacker news) and pulls the first 5 pages of top stories. I thought that this would be very hard and the first thing I […]

Homework 3 – hardymar – Media Suggestion App

What does the app do? The idea for my Homework 3 project is an application that you use when you are bored and looking for something to do. The app first has tyou log into facebook. After you log in you can then choose a media type. My app then choose some of your friends […]

Thesaurus Homework 3

This application was initially supposed to take in a word and then using a RESTful API, return JSON data indicating it’s nouns, verbs, synonyms, ect. JSON was in the form {“noun”:{  “syn”:[“news”,”intelligence”,”tidings”,”discussion”,”give-and-take”,”parole”,”word of honor”,”Son”,”Word”,”Logos”,”password”,”watchword”,”countersign”,”Bible”,”Christian Bible”,”Book”,”Good Book”,”Holy Scripture”,”Holy Writ”,”Scripture”,”Word of God”,”arcanum”,”computer memory unit”,”hypostasis”,”hypostasis of Christ”,”info”,”information”,”language”,”language unit”,”linguistic unit”,”oral communication”,”order”,”positive identification”,”promise”,”religious text”,”religious writing”,”sacred text”,”sacred writing”,”secret”,”speech”,”speech communication”,”spoken communication”,”spoken language”,”statement”,”voice communication”] […]

HW3: GrabATweet

With this assignment I aimed for simplicity to reduce the number of possible issues I could run into.  I decided to uses Twitter’s RESTAPI to do a simple pull of a single status.  To “spice” things up, so to speak, I decided to make the tweet random and allow the user to grab as many […]

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