teaching machines

Homework 3 – jacoblj

My program connects to a site to pull information about baseball teams. The user enters the program for the first time and is immediately asked their favorite team, after this it will show them the logo of the team and color every time they enter. From this main menu you can look at teams, or if you […]

Homework 3 – wettstaj

Wow Insider RSS Simulator                  I am proud to announce that i have finished my app! So basically, this app was designed to be like an RSS feed simulator for a website that i often like to visit (Wow Insider). However, i really hate that the page only shows a few articles, and wanted to […]

Homework 3 – News of the world

This time I made a simpler application largely based using he twitter API. I was slightly disappointed with how much I implemented, but I would probably like to expand on this application in the future for personal use. It’s a simple trend following application. You can see the either Worldwide Trends or United States trends […]

Homework 3 – meierdg

I attempted to modify my fortune cookie for program 2 to go out to a web api to retrieve their fortunes as well.  I did this in part to show that all programs can be improved in one way or another, and mainly because my free time is vastly limited by my two jobs.  In […]

Homework 3 – feltonj – TwitterBug

Do you ever get the feeling to dance whenever you read twitter, just boogey-down and perhaps do the “jitter-bug” well, good news for you I created the “TwitterBug” app for your android device! Here is what my app does: Retrieves tweets from twitter based on a search. The default search is “day9tv”. Allows you to […]

MeHungry – kruegeba – Homework3

Imagine you are a poor college student.  You open up your fridge and see you have a very small selection of food.  Now with your trusty MeHungry app, you can type in specific ingredients that you have in your fridge/cabinet and it will return a wide variety of recipes that you can create using those […]

Gibberish Generator – wirthaw – hw3

My app is a gibberish generator with two generating options. A user can either choose to create what i called element gibberish(paragraphs, text message, un ordered list, and a number of headers)  or corporate gibberish which is just a bunch of generic slogans and phrases with a corporations name inserted into it. Originally I had […]

Homework 3 – What are the Lyrics?

My app goes and gets lyrics from an API based on what the use specifies for an artist and a song title.  For this I used the API from LyricsWiki.  I used RESTful  service like we did in class but used more of a post to search than a get like we did in class. […]

Homework #3 crakerbr

Everybody faces a daily decision to either go and do something outside or stay home and play video games. Rather than trying to estimate the weather and risk frostbite, heatstroke, hypothermia, or any of the other afflictions nature tries to kill us with, my app finds out the current weather and tells you whether to […]

CS491: Homework03 xiongchu

My extra feature is using YouTube’s Data API to extract video information and display them. I actually used their RESTful web service, I made a http request like we did in class and sending the appropriate parameters based on what I want my results to be. Then using the JSON library to parse the response […]

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