teaching machines

Ripe Banana

I used a UV-mapped image texture for the fruit part and painted the stem.

My Banana

CS 330 Homework – CSX – due before March 11

See the PDF.

CS 491 Lecture 7 – Rigidbody

TODO Watch Health HUD. On a 1/4 sheet, draw a sketch of a screen space overlay that you might want to present in your first- or third-person games this semester. Annotate each widget with a short but meaningful purpose. Lab Our goal today is to learn how to integrate objects we create into the physics system […]


A banana



petza: Banana-nana-fofana

It took me about 20 minutes to figure out that I still had proportional editing on and that’s why I couldn’t move specific portions of the UV-mapped banana without moving everything else.

Honors 104.502 Lecture 7 – Co-o-no Cont’d

Agenda what ?s 1×1 tile prototypes co-o-no hide previous round co/no buttons feedback message TODO Watch 2D Catch Game. (There are three parts. Watch at least the first.) On a 1/4 sheet, write down 2-3 questions or observations. Note Today we start by sharing our prototypes with each other. As you share, give feedback: What […]

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