teaching machines

Feature 3

This feature adds specular lighting to my shuttle and water. The code for this is pretty straight forward, with changes only needing to be made to the fragment shaders. The only difference between the shaders is where the normal comes from. The shuttle’s normals are calculated by ObjUtilites and passed in as a uniform, and […]

Feature 8

This feature adds textures to the terrain and other objects. I already had added a texture to my terrain for previous features, so instead of doing nothing I added two more meshes that use textures, A space shuttle (credit to Jafit from blendswap.org for the mesh and texture) and water. The shuttle uses UV mapping […]

HW F.4 – Hannah

Hola! I have completed feature 4 by adding a skybox to my scene. Copying the code from Chris’s video wasn’t difficult. HOWEVER, trying to cut up a skybox cube map that I stole from online (props to Roel z’n Boel by the way) most definitely was. No matter what I tried (varying selections, cropping, scaling, […]

Feature 4 Post Mortem

Surrounding my terrain with a skybox was a pretty simple process, although I was able to make it difficult by overlooking a couple of syntax issues.  I did most of the work before Chris posted his video, so I’ll have to cite the guys at stackoverflow and opengl.org.  The code was essentially the same as […]

Feature 8 Post Mortem

Applying textures to my terrain was actually more frustrating for me than it should have been. I thought that I had all of my textures ready to go, as there were a few of them that came with the obj files that I downloaded. However, for whatever reason, these textures refused to match up with […]

Feature 8 Post Mortem

This feature was fairly simple to implement.  Using the code supplied by Chris Johnson, I simply had to read in the .ppm image for my texture and send it off to the shaders.  One thing I had to worry about, was making sure my texture mapped to the terrain correctly.  Because I felt it would […]

Feature 4 Post Mortem

This feature was not all that difficult to implement.  I ran into some trouble trying to load the skybox texture initially, because I was already using a texture for the terrain.  My renderer is not set up to handle multiple textures currently, and from what I could tell, would take quite a bit of modification […]

Feature 3 – Light Your Scene

This should be a pretty short post, because lighting is something that we have been doing for a while now.  To light my scene, I am currently using a combination of diffuse, ambient, and specular lighting, depending on which objecting I am applying the light to.  I still have pretty generic albedos for my objects, […]

Feature 5 Post Mortem

This feature wasn’t all that difficult to implement.  The hardest part was probably figuring out how to use vectors in c++.  I ended up writing another function in the ObjUtilities class that reads an obj and turns it into a 2D array of heights.  This is admittedly not the best way to do this, because […]

Feature 2 Post Mortem

For generating terrain, I decided to go with a heightmap approach, because I figured it would be more useful down the road.  I found a few great high resolution height maps and corresponding textures at http://www.crydev.net/project_db.php?action=project_profile&team_id=1873&project_id=1809 which I used for my terrain generation.  I leveraged the ruby script provided by Chris Johnson and converted it […]

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