teaching machines

Home and MyWeb Screens – First Draft

Summary of recent work: I have created the home screen you see when you log in/open the application (with four options: My Web, Everyone’s Webs, Questions for the Community, and Need Help?) and the My Web screen with dummy icons. I used the My Web screen Chris first built to build this version, but modified it […]

FourLords Part I

At last week’s Buster meeting, we decided to implement a multi-pilayer version of Warlords, an Atari game that formed my young mind. I’m going to call it FourLords, because really the game doesn’t involve armies or anything on a war-scale. Plus, I want to stress the multiple Pis, multiple players aspect of the game. I […]

A rotating 3-D model with Raspberry Pi

I left off with a visible but maligned rendering. The malignancy is gone. I did not have a depth buffer in my EGL context. EGL(depth_size=8) fixed that. I also wanted to be able to handle key events. Peter insisted on a select-driven event loop, so I went searching to figure out how to read the keyboard via […]

Showing a 3-D model on our Raspberry Pi

Eric got his OBJ loader working, we think, so it came time for me to integrate his code with my demo renderers. It kind of worked. I added a normal attribute to the vertex shader and sent it along to the fragment shader, where I calculated some simple directional lighting in eye space. I drew […]

I OBJect to objects

I’m going to go out on a limb here and guess that the title will have taken longer to come up with that the rest of this post…oh well. Since we want to run some nifty graphics demos on our raspberry pi’s/ raspberries pi (no sure how to pluralize this), we thought it would be […]

Synchronized Drawing

I was tasked with using MPI_Barrier to synchronously draw two triangles on two different raspberry pi boards. I was unsuccessful, but not unproductive. The reason I wasn’t successful is this: When I executed Dr. Johnson’s triangle.py program, the program would give me the following error: numconfig= c_long(1) Traceback (most recent call last): File “triangle.py”, line […]

Toon shading in Unity

We were curious if we could incorporate cel-shading into Unity. Yes, it can be incorporated pretty easily by: Importing the Toon Shading package. Going to all Mesh Renderer components and switching the material to one of the four toon materials that we imported. Applying toon material to terrain took some searching, as the terrain shader […]


I’m giving a talk on Paul Wagner’s MOBILE project at SIGITE 2012. Following is a draft of my presentation. * * * Many of us have had those nightmares where we discover we’ve been enrolled in a class but forgot to attend. The final exam is in an hour. Thankfully, our panic wakes us. Those […]

Links on integrating Unity and Android

I’m glad I’m not the only one trying to hook up Unity and Android. I’ve found the follow links helpful in our project: General Unity/Android documentation Comprehensive example of a custom Unity plugin How Unity handles custom resource IDs (another) How to overlay a custom view on the Unity player How to change the text size […]

Calling Unity Code from Android

Previously I integrated Android with Unity by having Unity poll methods I defined in Java. We used reflection to pull out the activity object and invoked my custom methods on it. Today I looked into going in reverse: can I call Unity methods from Android? It turns out to be pretty simple. I first made […]

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