teaching machines

Web API :: Travis Boettcher

For my web API project I wanted to use Wolfram|Alpha’s extensive knowledge base to create some sort of useful app.  As I was perusing what the API could do, I came across a morse code encoder function and I knew I needed to go no further. My application allows the user to enter a word or words […]

Persist – Morrissp

The purpose of this app is to be a workout log. The app makes a “workout” with a description, length of the workout,average heart rate, and the date of when the workout was created, then submits it to a local database.  It uses separate activities for displaying workouts and submitting one. The app can be improved by using […]

Persist :: Chris Sippel

I chose to build off my U and I assignment, by adding database functionality to the Starting Strength app. The app now has the ability to store the entire current session of data (weight, names and numeric values) and retrieve them for later viewing. The App will automatically save anything that has been typed into […]

U and I: Jack Ferris

The application I created creates random addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division problems based off the user’s choice.  The application tells you if you were correct or incorrect with your answer and proceeds to the next problem.  The widgets I used were textview, edittext, button, spinner, and checkbox.  The application also has support for Spanish.  The […]

CS 491 Lecture 13 – Pinch and zoom and pan

Before class A Before next class: Watch http://youtu.be/rQC_kQtVt38. Read http://android-developers.blogspot.com/2010/06/making-sense-of-multitouch.html. B Before next class: Watch http://youtu.be/Jfgr3Ewsw8s. Read about HTML5’s Canvas transformation API at https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Canvas_tutorial/Transformations. In class Continue the problem from last lecture. If you have 1x, add the ability to pan around the canvas. If you have 2x, add the ability to scale, either with two fingers pinching and […]

CS 491 Lecture 12 – Continuous rendering and gestures

Before class A Before next class: Watch http://youtu.be/spSomawdgTg. Skim http://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/SurfaceView.html. B Before next class: Watch http://youtu.be/T_Z9lNQVaNg. Browse http://developer.android.com/reference/android/gesture/package-summary.html. In class Write a continuous renderer that draws a number word like “one”, “two”, “three”, and so on, which gets bigger and bigger and bigger over time. If the user draws the corresponding gesture—a 1, 2, 3, …—generate […]

Persist :: Becky Sippert

The problem my app solves is keeping track of scores for the card game 500, since it can be difficult to remember which bids get what point value. The app has three screens. The first displays the bids (READ) that have been made in the game, the total scores of either team, and buttons that […]

U and I: Jake Berner

My app is a relatively simple and familiar app. If you’re familiar with the class MadLib game of filling in the blanks to make a silly story, then this app is for you! It’s called BadLib because the scripts aren’t that great, and neither are the resulting stories. The app makes use of TextView, EditText, […]

Persist – Dan Zirnhelt

I decided to make a contact list. It allows you to store first name, Last name and a phone number in a database.  This is built in a scroll-able list that will scroll if you add more then can be displayed on the screen.  I used my Galaxy S III to do all of my testing and […]

Presist :: Luke Mehring

For the Persist app I made a Spam texter.  All this app does is spams a phone number with x amount of the same message.  The first reason I made this app was to troll my roommate by sending him an amazing amount of texts as fast as I could.  Then I decided that this […]

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