teaching machines

U And I: Dave Moss Resub

I created a grocery list app, the purpose of which is to keep track of what you need to buy from the grocery store. A fairly interesting thing I learned was that to store a list in the SharedPreferences, you need to use a workaround since it cannot store straight up lists. to do this […]

TODO: Landon Burlingham

I’ve been thinking about this quite a bit lately and although its a little behind schedule I think I finally know what I would like to learn about in this class. The first thing that really got my attention was a mouse controller for windows with a tablet. Although i know there are some out […]

Web APIs – Joe Simon

For my web api assignment I decided to make an app that allows you to search for GitHub repositories using their developer API. This screen allows you to enter a keyword to search for. .    This screen displays the results in a ListView. The GitHub developer API is going through some changes right now […]

U and I :: Luke Mehring

I made a fairly simple app that acts as a strobe light.  I know we did it as a class but I started working on this before we did that and all I needed to learn was the handler part.  I tried a lot of different methods to get the thread to sleep or something, […]

U and I: Tom Statz

Orienteering App The purpose of this app is to get your current coordinates using the phone’s GPS.   The app can calculate a compass bearing to a set of coordinates that the user gives it.  A compass can be opened as a second activity.  In making this app I used a total of eight Textbox’s, […]

U and I :: Travis Boettcher

For my U and I project, I wanted to do something that would be useful to me.  My first thought was to flesh out the 7 Wonders scoring app we had worked on in class, but there are already 7 Wonders scoring apps on Google Play (they’re just not very good).  Instead, I decided to […]

Persist:: Adam King

For the Persist homework involving the utilization of a database, I created a baseline for a Calorie Counter that allows a user to insert, update, delete, and search entries in a user-made database.  The overall concept of the app is simple, but I ended up finding and utilizing a number of new concepts which took […]

Web Api – Corey Schulz

For this assignment I created an app that lets you quickly see all of the NFL games for the week, their scores, and the each play. Also, it can go to the list of links submitted by students. For the interface to chose between those two main sections, I came up with this ‘slide-to-hide’ thingy […]

U and I – Becky Sippert

I created a memory game app using the CS faculty pictures. The app times how fast you match all of the pictures up and then displays your time at the end. The app uses a Chronometer, ImageViews, CheckBoxes, TextViews, and one Button. The lessons I learned developing it are that custom-made Views and classes are super […]

U and I – Anders Peterson

For my U and I assignment I decided to make an app that simulates the ‘Hello my name is…” name tags.  Basically the app has an initial screen that takes in the name that you would like displayed on the on the name tag and after the user taps the button named ‘make the tag’ […]

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