teaching machines

Prospectus: Tyler, Michael, Adam

We want the players to have  moments of exploration and fun solving puzzles with new abilities found throughout the game. Hopefully, it will teach the players abstract problem solving. We want the players to think about the next step up in challenge, along with the new abilities and all the uses for them. The surprises […]

CS 491 Lab 4 – Circling

For the rest of the semester, we will alternate between labs devoted entirely to group work time and labs that involve an exercise related to game development. Last week was work time; this week is an exercise. I will try to craft the exercises to be general enough that you may be able to incorporate […]

CS 491 Lecture 10 – Puzzler Review

Agenda what ?s puzzler review TODO For next Wednesday, read a couple of articles on game loops. Unity manages the game loop on our behalf, but understanding its operation is helpful and there might come a day where you’ll want to write your own. Read Koen Witters’ deWITTERS Game Loop (broken link at last check; […]

Puzzler – Mike R


Puzzler – Shift

Gnome Factory

Use a confusing interface with no instructions to help gnomes move boxes between strange-looking machines.  

Block Away


Enjoy the Invisible walls! Manny  

Laser Penguin!!!!!!!!!!!

Daddy penguin and mommy penguin fall deeply in love and have always dreamed of having a baby of their own. When they finally do, the Evil Penguin steals him for himself!!!!!!!!! You, as the daddy penguin, must bring your baby back home!!!!!!


This was a lot of fun to make. The rules are included in the game, and all that’s required is a keyboard and mouse. How convenient! Audience: Reflexive people who aren’t colorblind (sorry!) Progress: Increasing score bonus with each successive correct press Source: github: cs491-hw1

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