teaching machines

CS 330 Homework 5 – Fun Fun

See the PDF.

Feature 3 – Light Your Scene

This should be a pretty short post, because lighting is something that we have been doing for a while now.  To light my scene, I am currently using a combination of diffuse, ambient, and specular lighting, depending on which objecting I am applying the light to.  I still have pretty generic albedos for my objects, […]

Feature 5 Post Mortem

This feature wasn’t all that difficult to implement.  The hardest part was probably figuring out how to use vectors in c++.  I ended up writing another function in the ObjUtilities class that reads an obj and turns it into a 2D array of heights.  This is admittedly not the best way to do this, because […]

Feature 2 Post Mortem

For generating terrain, I decided to go with a heightmap approach, because I figured it would be more useful down the road.  I found a few great high resolution height maps and corresponding textures at http://www.crydev.net/project_db.php?action=project_profile&team_id=1873&project_id=1809 which I used for my terrain generation.  I leveraged the ruby script provided by Chris Johnson and converted it […]

Feature 3 Post Mortem

Shading the objects in my scene wasn’t difficult, but it took me a while to perfect. To start, I initialized the three different ShaderPrograms in my scene so I can set each individual shader to one of these three later. My three programs are for diffuse lighting, specular lighting, and my terrain. After doing this, I simply applied […]

Feature 1 Post Mortem

To load OBJ meshes into my scene, I didn’t change too much from the examples in the videos. I used the same function in ObjUtilities to load them in, and I used arrays of VertexAttributes, ShaderPrograms, and VertexArrays to store the different objects. Before I set the individual elements of the arrays, I initialized all […]

HW F.3 – Hannah

My scene is lit and my goal post is specularly-highlighted. I really didn’t have any trouble with this because it was pretty much straight from the lectures. Here is the shader code:                   Here is a comparison of the goal post in my scene from before it was […]

HW F.8 – Hannah

For this feature, I added a texture to my terrain. I found an image online of a view of a Packer football field, and the image was square. I took the image and converted it into a PPM. In my vertex shader, I forwarded texture coordinates on to the fragment shader using the x and […]

CS 455 Lecture 14 – Mipmapping and UV Mapping

Before Class Mipmapping Watch http://youtu.be/ZyH–0fh2hM. Watch http://youtu.be/NTy0uKlYpJQ. Watch http://youtu.be/NAcwJOvkx4M. Contrast http://www.twodee.org/forothers/check_linear.png, http://www.twodee.org/forothers/check_nearest.png, and http://www.twodee.org/forothers/check_mipmap.png. Read https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/MIP_Mapping. Skim what NVIDIA has to say about mipmapping: ftp://download.nvidia.com/developer/presentations/2005/Misc/Lets_Get_Small-2005.pdf. The first third, ending at the talk of caching, is most relevant. UV Mapping Watch http://youtu.be/w7G1S2jGLu8. Watch http://youtu.be/6yfFelpqBdo. Read http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Blender_3D:_Noob_to_Pro/UV_Map_Basics. In Class We haven’t talked much about Blender, so call upon me or Google if you’re not sure how to […]

HW F.2 – Hannah

I completed feature 2, which was including a computationally-generated terrain in my scene. I took the ruby code Chris wrote in his diamond-square lecture and translated it into C++ so I could run it in Visual Studio (I didn’t know how to run the ruby code :/, and it was fun converting it :). This […]

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