teaching machines

TODO: Dan Zirnhelt

1: A pizza area calculator. So if there are two pizza deals for different prices you can enter the area of the two pizzas (16″, 18″ ect) with the price and see which has a better deal. 2: How to manipulate the phones flashlight if it has one. Kind of like the flashlight app on […]

CS 491 Lecture 5a – Intents

Before class A Before next class: Watch http://youtu.be/2ip2LA3hoR8. Read the Intent resolution section of http://developer.android.com/guide/components/intents-filters.html. Making your own web browser: Widgets: WebView, EditText, Button LinearLayouts and weight again Callback for button clicks INTERNET permission Handling URL views with an intent-filter* (research better ways) Getting intent data back out in onCreate() B Before next class: Watch http://youtu.be/-r6-mhFVVDc, Read http://developer.android.com/guide/components/intents-filters.html until Intent […]

HNRS 304.503 Lab 2 – Interactive Fiction

Your task is design a work of interactive fiction, with these guidelines: Use Inform 7, which is installed on the lab machines and accessible under Computer Science in the Start Menu. The team as a whole should agree on an overarching plot, mood, etc. Each team member is responsible for designing and coding two rooms, […]

TODO: Jack Ferris

1.  An online casino app.  I’ve always enjoyed casino applications (specifically blackjack and roulette) and there aren’t many out there that support online play. 2.  A voice/sound manipulation app.  An example is the “Inception” app, which distorts sounds picked up from the microphone. 3.  An application that involves your music.  I don’t have a specific […]

HNRS 304.503 Lecture 4 – Placeblitzing

Agenda Placeblitzing Lens discussion Blitz Closed Discussion Open Discussion Haiku


This is me. The “Mystic.” Ooooo…

TODO: Chris Sippel

I read the syllabus! But was late 1. A basic Towers Defense game. Enemies move through shortest path through a field, player can place towers that do various actions and block paths. 2. An app that stores basic information (like a spreadsheet of data) onto the devices memory and could reload this information. 3. A […]

CS 491 Lecture 4 – XML layouts and widget event handlers

Before This Class Today we’ll dive into our first widget-driven app. By widget, I mean a stock interface element, like a button, a slider, or text field. Up till now we’ve stuck with Canvas and done custom drawing. It’s time to move on. The app we’ll create is one I pulled from Travis’ TODO homework: […]

Paladin – Champion of the Light

Heyo! Here’s the scan of my epic drawing wherein I summon, nerf, and defeat a dragon! Huzzah!

Creative IT Analyst

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