teaching machines

Fall 2014 Commit Logs

This past fall, I taught an introductory programming class in which students managed their code with Bitbucket. I had decided the problems I was sure to encounter foisting version control on first-semester students were not worse than the problems I was sure to encounter by asking them to manage their own local workspaces and submit via clunky submission systems, and the eventual payoffs […]

Stopwatch post/pre mortem

Jake Mehring Vadim Iljin Pre/Post Mortem   The stopwatch app, is an app that allows users to set/stop a timer, and get weather for their current location. Most timer apps are boring, we spiced ours up with Pictures of cats.  This app also has a lot of different ways that you can stop the app, […]

Gonefishing – Brendon and Vadim (Postmortem)

Gonefishing is an app that targets the untapped audience of the outdoors person. Available for the Android app, this app will allow people to get the list of lakes around their location. The app will allow them to see the weather of where they are, because every avid fisherperson knows that weather means everything when […]

Hello World Post Mortem

We completed the postmortem of the Hello World app with 3 achievements in mind: utilizing Androids Text To Speech Engine after Chris’s demonstration with Simon Says, but have it say “Hello —-” in the corresponding language its in and whatever string name. Utilizing androids built in language library, we implemented this into Spanish, German, and […]

Alphabet Soup – Post

There have been a lot of changes from the original plan.  Not necessarily changes that a user can see but changes in implementation from what I had planned.  I also still have a lot of changes/additions I’d like to make especially before releasing it to the market, but let’s begin with what it is currently […]

Gonefishing – Brendon and Vadim (Premortem)

Gonefishing is an app that targets the untapped audience of the outdoors person. Available for the Android app, this app will allow people to get the list of lakes around their location. The app will allow them to see the weather of where they are, because every avid fisherperson knows that weather means everything when […]

Note Taker postmortem

Luiz Bernardo Levenhagen & Kevin Breunig I had more difficulty than I thought trying to persist all data contained on the note. I tried both local database and filesystem. Some issues related to permissions and stuff on the android manifest caused some problems when running and testing the app. Everything else went well, for example […]

Permanent Counter pre/postmortem

Contraction timer pre/postmortem Posted on December 18, 2014 by BREUNIKC — No Comments ↓ Kevin Breunig For this app I used preferences to save the number of times the the app has been opened.  I also localized the app to Spanish, French, and Dutch. I apologize if the Spanish is incorrect, I just threw it into a translator. Screenshots Claiming […]

Contraction timer pre/postmortem

Kevin Breunig For this app I worked with my wife.  She had been downloading a bunch of contraction timers so that she could time her contractions when our baby decided he wanted to come.  So when she heard I was taking a mobile class she told me to just make her one. which is what […]

Finger Paint pre/postmortem

Kevin Breunig For this app I made a simple multi-touch system.  When you touch the screen a colored circle appears under the touch and it adds a circle for every touch it senses. Challenges This one took a while.  After some looking I found that it was easier than I was making it. Screenshots Claiming […]

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