teaching machines

Feature 1 – Matthew

For Feature 1 I just modified the ObjUtilities.cpp file to accept an OBJ fresh out of blender or your 3d modeling tool of choice. No longer do you have to go through and count the F’s and V’s, it does it for you! Here’s a screencast of the code, and a screenshot of the workspace […]

Feature 6 Post Mortem

Generating water for my walkabout wasn’t difficult, as most of the process involved following Dr. Johnson’s video, but there was one change I had to make that stumped me for a while. My water is simply a 2-dimensional plane that I sized so that it would fill one of the lower parts of my terrain. […]

CS 330 Lecture 24 – Promises, Tail Recursion, and Currying

Agenda what ?s delaying evaluation tail recursion partially applying functions TODO Read http://learnyouahaskell.com/higher-order-functions again. No quarter sheet. Code macro.c promise.html sum.hs Haiku

CS 455 Lecture 17 – Water and Mirroring

Before Class Water Watch http://youtu.be/3IPB5xKvh1Q. Mirror Watch http://youtu.be/N5H17XTY9Nw. In Class Please work on your homework features.

CS 330 Lecture 23 – Guards, Tail Recursion, and Higher-order Functions

Agenda what ?s replicate program this guards tail recursion higher-order functions map filter lambda TODO Read http://learnyouahaskell.com/higher-order-functions. Quarter sheet. Program This Code today.hs Haiku

iMessage “DoS” Attack

I would be surprised if I’m the only student in this program who thinks small hacking pranks and minor harmless attacks on unsuspected folks are both fun and educational. This weekend I learned AppleScript, which for the Mac OS X-impaired folks, that’s a really nice scripting editor that comes standard on all OS X machines. […]

Post Mortem Feature 3

This feature was rather easy.  Chris supplied all of the code from his specular lighting video.  The one mistake I did have was not normalizing the  light_direction vector.  That made the lighting look rather interesting, but not what I wanted.   ttp://youtu.be/IRlxQfpEw-o

Feature 3

This feature adds specular lighting to my shuttle and water. The code for this is pretty straight forward, with changes only needing to be made to the fragment shaders. The only difference between the shaders is where the normal comes from. The shuttle’s normals are calculated by ObjUtilites and passed in as a uniform, and […]

Feature 8

This feature adds textures to the terrain and other objects. I already had added a texture to my terrain for previous features, so instead of doing nothing I added two more meshes that use textures, A space shuttle (credit to Jafit from blendswap.org for the mesh and texture) and water. The shuttle uses UV mapping […]

CS 330 Lecture 22 – Tuples, List Comprehensions, and Thinking Looplessly

Agenda what ?s logo tuples list comprehensions initials head’ pattern matching case vs. function definition patterns sum’ product’ factorial’ reverse’ Code test.hs Haiku

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