teaching machines

CS 455 Lecture 19 – Shadows and Billboards

Before Class Shadows Watch http://youtu.be/KoYuYdnwHFY. Read chapter 7, stopping before Anti-aliasing Shadow Edges with PCF, pp. 235-247. Impostors and Billboards Watch http://youtu.be/ADoHAg3lRIc. Watch http://youtu.be/aRbsBc7pI18. For another perspective, read http://www.flipcode.com/archives/Billboarding-Excerpt_From_iReal-Time_Renderingi_2E.shtml or http://nehe.gamedev.net/article/billboarding_how_to/18011/. In Class Please work on your homework features.

Feature 8

This feature was pretty straight forward for the most part.  However I did make quite a few tweaks to the code to make it better for my situation.  The first problem was that my whole map is a bunch of objects in one program.  I could have obviously put each part of the map in […]

F1 Carissa

Although this was a fairly simple feature to implement, I did run into a few weird problems. For instance, when I first had made the item in Blender and exported it, it was only showing the top view, not the front view. To fix this, I switched around the x, y and z coordinates in […]

Feature 6

The implementation of water by itself wasn’t all that hard.  However all the videos that lead up to the water video were assigned to my partner and I didn’t have time to view those yet.  So going through all of those videos to find what I needed was a bit time consuming, but glad I […]

Feature 2 – Kevin

For this feature, I basically converted all of the diamond algorithm Chris Johnson showed us to C++and slightly modified it to make the terrain flat instead of  vertical.  The hardest part of this beyond just going through and understanding Chris’s code was that I had some +1 errors in the writing to the file portion […]

Feature 1 – Kevin

I modified my ObjUtilities file to be able to read in any vertices and faces and calculate how many are in the file on its own.  This was fairly straightforward and I didn’t have any problems with it outside of minor syntax errors. I attached screenshots of my code from the file for everyone to […]


For feature 2 I basically followed the diamond square algorithm given to us, with only a slight change to the code so that when the terrain was read in it was flat and being looked across, as opposed to above it and looking down on it. This just required a change to x and z coordinates, […]

CS 330 Lecture 28 – C++ References and the Pillars of OOP

Agenda what ?s call-by-reference class Quadratic inheritance class Polynomial virtual polymorphism pure virtual/abstract class Function TODO Defeat homework. No quarter sheet. Code Functions.h Functions.cpp graph.cpp makefile Note to copy and pasters: makefile rules need to be indented with real tabs, not spaces. Haiku

Feature 1- Spencer

The first feature didn’t require much outside effort outside of the code that I already had for class. The only thing I added was the ability to parse an obj file for the faces and vertices, as opposed to having to count them by hand.   A little code   A little star   And […]

Feature 8 Post Mortem

Before I begin describing this feature, I’d like to note that I caught a mistake involving my water. After hearing other people talk about it, I realized that the reflection on my water wasn’t changing as the camera moved. After a few attempts, I managed to fix it, and now my water reflects different skybox […]

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