teaching machines

CS 330 Lecture 31 – Generics and Templates

Agenda what ?s some C++ trivia a quick Java ArrayList polymorphism: subtype vs. parametric Java’s generics the acks of type erasure C++ templates TODO Read sections 3.5.3 and 8.4 in your book. Quarter sheet. Code UnwildList.java WildList.java WildList.cpp Haiku

Feature 8 Post Mortem – Conor

This feature was all about using textures to modify the base albedo of the terrain in my scene. The steps to do this are not really any different than texturing any other model. I needed to upload the texture that I wanted to use, and create a new shader that would take advantage of the […]

Feature 3 – Kevin

Applying specular lighting to different objects wasn’t too hard beyond the demonstration.  I did not encounter any problems beyond what Chris showed us. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ED56CjCJ2Qo

Feature 1 – Emmertac

First thing: I do not have any recording software; my laptop has been dead for some time now and I do not have a smart phone. Besides we all know you didn’t come here to listen to someone talk. Look at the other object, besides the terrain, whats the first thing that comes to your […]

Feature 10 Post Mortem

For this feature, I decided to make some grass for my scenery out of billboards.  I ran a Google image search and came up with this nice little grass tuft, taken from unity3d.com. I thought it would be nice to make fields of grass, only I would need a way to place these guys into […]

CS 330 Lecture 30 – Overloading Builtin Operators

Agenda what ?s what does this do? a FasterString class operator<< friend operator[] operator+ operator* operator+= on parity TODO Read http://weblogs.java.net/blog/cayhorstmann/archive/2011/12/06/operator-overloading-considered-challenging?utm_source=feedly. No quarter sheet. Code refs.cpp Vector3.cpp FasterString.cpp Haiku

CS 455 Lecture 20 – Fog and More Billboards

Before Class Fog Watch http://youtu.be/lAQFNWy6YhA. Watch http://youtu.be/iYnUxJkv6bc. Read section Simulating Fog in chapter 3, pp. 100-104. More Billboards Watch http://youtu.be/TyLlEyV_WLo. Watch http://youtu.be/AeNTr1GPJMY. In Class Please work on your homework features.

CS 330 Lecture 29 – Virtuality in C++ and Overloading Builtin Operators

Agenda what ?s no class Friday program this http://www.parashift.com/c++-faq/refs-vs-ptrs.html cosmic superclass overriding with virtual implementing Polynomial::solve pure virtual the means of dynamic dispatch overloading builtin operators a FasterString class deconstructors Pulse Student evaluations are just numbers, but I like to hear anecdotes too. Please take a moment to think about how this course is run: […]

Feature 1 Post Mortem – Conor

This blog post is about feature 1, adding obj meshes into my scene.  I used the videos that Chris provided as my guide for this feature. Once I had the standard code to load a single object mesh into my scene, it was trivial to extend that code for multiple objects. I have a loop […]

Feature 4 Post Mortem – Conor

This blog post is about my implementation of feature 4, surrounding the scene with a skybox. I didn’t use any outside sources to help me with this feature other than the videos that Chris provided to us. Setting up the skybox was much easier that I anticipated that it would be. Both the fragment and […]

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