teaching machines

CS 330 Lecture 27 – List Comprehensions and On To C++

Agenda what ?s list comprehensions in Haskell functional vs. non-functional OOP vs. non-OOP imperative the pillars of OOP (encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism) initialization lists a polynomial hierarchy TODO Read http://hacksoflife.blogspot.com/2010/12/what-oop-isnt.html. Read the comments too. Agree or disagree? Quarter sheet. Code vowels.hs listcomps.hs waaaaaaaaaaaa.hs Functions.h Functions.cpp graph.cpp makefile Note to copy and pasters: makefile rules need to be […]

CS 330 Lecture 26 – More Folding, Composing, Custom Data Types

Agenda more folding: join, length, map, find, filter folding on 1+ lists: min, max composing: countOvers, any, all custom data types: an expression hierarchy making something an Ord TODO Read chapter 9 through section 9.2.2. Quarter sheet. Code today.hs Haiku

Feature 5 Post Mortem – Conor

This is the post mortem for my camera feature.  While implementing a camera for my scene, the only resource that I used was the video that Chris provided.  This was fine for simply moving around the scene, but I needed to extend the camera to auto-adjust itself based on terrain height.  In order to accomplish […]

HW F.5 – Hannah

I completed Feature 5. I have had the ability to move around my scene for a long time, but I haven’t been moving with the contour of the terrain until this submission. I had a hard time conceptualizing how to make that happen, and I give credit to all of those who completed this feature before me, […]

Feature 4

If I followed the video correctly that Chris posted about this it would have been a lot easier.  However I decided to ignore the fact that you need an image that is square.  Debugging this issue really wasn’t easy.  I ripped apart all of my code and was still clueless since everything compiles okay and […]

Feature 6

My biggest challenge this time was correctly reflecting the skybox off the water. The vector that needs to be reflected is the direction from the camera to the world position. There was no way to get this with the shaders written in the water tutorial video. Passing in the camera’s position as a uniform was […]

Feature 6 Post Mortem

In order to implement this feature, I decided it best to totally rework my landscape to better integrate a source of water into the scene.  This was the result of some brief fiddling around in GIMP, making a height map and corresponding texture: Up close, the water looks more like this: This feature took quite […]

CS 330 Lecture 25 – Currying and The One-Liner

Agenda what ?s what does this do? the Maybe/Option type currying and how to read Haskell function specifications find’ in an association list/hash point-free style foldl and foldr or’ and’ sum’ product’ min’ foldr1′ max’ join’ length’ average’ map’ countOvers composing functions any’ all’ TODO Play. And homework. What Does This Do? Code today.hs Haiku

CS 455 Lecture 18 – Projective Texturing and Geometry Shaders

Before Class Projective Texturing Watch http://youtu.be/sEY78iaPNCU. Read section Applying a Projected Texture in chapter 4, pp. 138-143. Geometry Shaders Watch http://youtu.be/altB6G6_bTY. Watch http://youtu.be/O7Xd5csI0Oo. Watch http://youtu.be/AM8RXjdZ8w4. Watch http://youtu.be/ppdCZiiG8aQ. In Class Please work on your homework features.

Feature 4 Post Mortem

Adding a skybox to my scene was one of the simpler tasks I’ve done, although I had a couple problems. One was purely a human mistake, and the other I can’t really explain but I eventually worked around it. To start, I created a cube obj and a cube_map texture and linked them together with […]

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