teaching machines


Here’s my somewhat quick (?) rendering of a banana.  

I am a banana.



Here’s a banana.

a banana

If you squint…

I’m a banana

  Obligatory link to the banana song.

Spotty Banana

The stretching and bending that made this banana from a sphere was done with proportional editing, but the stem was from extruding edges (I suppose a “constant” type proportional edit could have made the stem too though). After doing a seam unwrap, I found the the texture painting tool after stumbling upon it (I didn’t […]


Honors 104.502 Lecture 8 – Co-o-no Cont’d

Agenda what ?s co-o-no hide previous round co/no buttons feedback message TODO Read chapters 5 and 6. On a 1/4 sheet, write down 2-3 questions or observations. Under what circumstances do ideas come to you? Note Today we’ll wrap up Co-o-no, adding Co and No buttons and moving through a cycle of shown and hidden states. […]

CS 330 Lecture 11 – Abstract Syntax Trees

Agenda what ?s math problem a Logo grammar translating to an AST TODO Watch Aiken’s lectures 24 and 25 on abstract syntax trees and recursive descent parsing. On a 1/4 sheet, summarize your results from searching for reasons why many languages use semi-colons as statement terminators and parentheses around actual parameter lists. Note We’re about to write […]

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