teaching machines

Cannon Platformer: Lab 3

John Asmus’ and my Lab 3 project. Have fun flying around as a cannon and collecting keys. http://www.twodee.org/teaching/honors304-503/2012C/homework/cannon_project/

Persist :: Becky Sippert

The problem my app solves is keeping track of scores for the card game 500, since it can be difficult to remember which bids get what point value. The app has three screens. The first displays the bids (READ) that have been made in the game, the total scores of either team, and buttons that […]

HNRS 304.503 Lab 4 – Tiled platformer

Game design is not for coders alone. In this three-week lab, you and your chosen partner (not the same as you partnered with for lab 3), will create a tile-based platformer whose levels can be designed in a plain old text editor. For example, I might have a level comprised of blue spheres and orange […]

Unity Football

For this assignment, Joel and I created a game who’s goal is to catch footballs. Footballs rain down as the player moves a pair of hands across the screen trying to catch them. If they player’s catch percentage drops below 75% after ten balls, the game is over. The game gets more difficult as play […]

U and I: Jake Berner

My app is a relatively simple and familiar app. If you’re familiar with the class MadLib game of filling in the blanks to make a silly story, then this app is for you! It’s called BadLib because the scripts aren’t that great, and neither are the resulting stories. The app makes use of TextView, EditText, […]

Persist – Dan Zirnhelt

I decided to make a contact list. It allows you to store first name, Last name and a phone number in a database.  This is built in a scroll-able list that will scroll if you add more then can be displayed on the screen.  I used my Galaxy S III to do all of my testing and […]

Presist :: Luke Mehring

For the Persist app I made a Spam texter.  All this app does is spams a phone number with x amount of the same message.  The first reason I made this app was to troll my roommate by sending him an amazing amount of texts as fast as I could.  Then I decided that this […]

U And I: Dave Moss Resub

I created a grocery list app, the purpose of which is to keep track of what you need to buy from the grocery store. A fairly interesting thing I learned was that to store a list in the SharedPreferences, you need to use a workaround since it cannot store straight up lists. to do this […]

TODO: Landon Burlingham

I’ve been thinking about this quite a bit lately and although its a little behind schedule I think I finally know what I would like to learn about in this class. The first thing that really got my attention was a mouse controller for windows with a tablet. Although i know there are some out […]

Web APIs – Joe Simon

For my web api assignment I decided to make an app that allows you to search for GitHub repositories using their developer API. This screen allows you to enter a keyword to search for. .    This screen displays the results in a ListView. The GitHub developer API is going through some changes right now […]

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