teaching machines

Feature 5 – Matthew

And now for your enjoyment, I present Feature 5, which is camera elevation!   [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oEp_GYIDU0A] The most difficult part of this feature was just trying to understand the big-picture of what different arrays are doing in the code. Once I figured that out, modifying ObjUtilities and Camera.cpp was no problem, and the implementation was […]

Feature 2 – Matthew

Alright, well this has been done for a long time, and the video has been up on YouTube, but I guess I decided not to post it. NO LONGER! LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, NERDMIGOS OF ALL KINDS! Feature 2:   [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqu6WbVHPlM]   The video explains things pretty well I think. I was going to post […]

Feature 10 Post Mortem – Conor

This post is about implementing feature 10, billboards. Since I have a space/moonish scene, I figured that moon rocks would be a fitting texture to use in my scene. I didn’t use anything for this feature other than the class videos for this one. I only ran into one problem implementing this one, in my […]

Feature 6 – Post Mortem

Rendering moving water was by far the most difficult task that I had to do all semester.  I thought that I had everything working right away, but I soon found out that the water was not properly reflecting the skybox around it.  Essentially, since we were reflecting the position of the water fragment in eye-space […]

Feature 5- Spencer

Getting the camera working wasn’t too hard, as I just followed the video we were given in class. Getting it to adjust to the terrain’s elevation proved to be the tricky part. I looked at other people’s post mortems and online material about bilinear interpolation to figure out what to do. Fist I implemented two […]

Feature 7 Post Mortem

Adding fog to my scene was one of the easier additions to my walkabout scene that I’ve done thus far. I got it to work on more or less my first try, although there was a lot of tweaking to be had after that. After watching the video on fog, I decided that I wanted […]

HW F.6 – Hannah

I completed rendering moving water reflecting my skybox texture. I had a couple of frustrations during this development. First, my water was just showing up black for a while, and I couldn’t figure out why. It turned out when I was trying to pass on my texcoord out to ftexcoord, I was passing ftexcoord. Silly […]

CS 455 Ambient Occlusion

Watch the following videos: Ambient Occlusion – Theory Ambient Occlusion – Blender Ambient Occlusion – Renderer Additional Reading: If you want to look into ambient occlusion a bit more, here are some interesting sources that we stumbled across. For more on SSAO for quick dynamic ambient occlusion, this is a helpful article.  Simple and Practical […]

Feature 8 Post Mortem – Conor

This feature was all about using textures to modify the base albedo of the terrain in my scene. The steps to do this are not really any different than texturing any other model. I needed to upload the texture that I wanted to use, and create a new shader that would take advantage of the […]

Feature 3 – Kevin

Applying specular lighting to different objects wasn’t too hard beyond the demonstration.  I did not encounter any problems beyond what Chris showed us. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ED56CjCJ2Qo

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