teaching machines

lavaniaj – Gaussian Pox

Creating the Image class and its methods went smoothly after I overcame my directional impairment. I wasted quite a bit of time trying to figure out why my energies were not calculating correctly in my main method. Instead of doing variable1 = pow(variable2, variable3), I was simply doing variable1 = (variable2, variable3). I was accidentally […]

CS 455 Lecture 10 – Virtual Trackball

Agenda what ?s 3-D interfaces imposing a virtual trackball TODO As a lab exercise, implement the virtual trackball interface. Rotate a model in a non-axis-aligned away and send me a screenshot. Code Pseudocode for mapping a pixel position onto a virtual unit sphere: Now, to implement the trackball: On left mouse down, persist the mouse location’s […]

CS 455 Lecture 9 – Orthographic Projection

Agenda what ?s mini review orthographic projection Mini Review What kind of shader data gets blended across the fragments/pixels of a triangle? What did we need to upload to the GPU to allow vertices to be shared across faces? What kind of shader data is defined per vertex? What operation tells us how aligned two […]

pinterrm – HW1

I started with creating the Image class and its methods. This part was straightforward and with some test cases and verifying outputs the work was complete. I then moved onto analyzing the formula to be used as the center point of calculations. I made a list of structs for holding basic information related to the […]

CS 455 Lecture 8 – Calculating Normals

Agenda what ?s finding Playdoh normals finding normals of a model Think About This Here’s what you know: The positions of five vertices. Connectivity information (e.g., vertices 0, 1, and 2 form a face). Vector operations: you can add 3D quantities, subtract them, take their dot product (which tells you the cosine of the angle […]

CS 455 Lecture 7 – Diffuse and Ambient Lighting

Agenda what ?s diffuse lighting ambient lighting TODO Incorporate diffuse and ambient shading into the sphere renderer. Mix 90% of the diffuse color with 10% ambient. Cast a white light on an orange diffuse surface. Email me a screenshot of your lit sphere. Code … Haiku

Robby’s Gaussian Pox

For this assignment my thought process started by just getting the implementation of the Image class all sorted out. After that I moved into the actually application of the Image class using the Guassian Pox function in order to calculate our energy. After reading that carefully and being confident I understood what the end goal […]

spiegedj – HW 1

Hurdles:  One issue I had was that I was getting weird distortions around the edges of my bumps. This turned to be because I was printing the float value of the colors to my PPM file and gimp interprets 3.03984e-005 as 3. Additionally, testing the code to make sure it was correct was a challenge. Thought […]

FISHERJK – Gaussian Pox

Thought Process: My thought process with this assignment was to first start figuring out how the indexing of the RGB channels worked and what a Gaussian Bump meant in this context. I then needed to figure out how to structure this in relation to the PPM file format. After writing the  Image class components and trying to grapple with the […]

FISHERR – Gaussian Pox

        (The images above were generated with different dimensions, RGB color channels, and variances.) For the Gaussian Pox homework, my thought process was as follows: Designing C++ Classes:  I had to carefully identify the necessary variables,methods, and logic, that would make the Image, Bump, and GaussianPox classes coordinate together. Research: how to […]

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