teaching machines

Robby’s Magnets

I started this assignment by just getting the magnets drawn using one rectangle array using transformation matrices which went smoothly. I knew at this point I should probably use the magnet center point to base all my drawings off of but decided to push forward with implementing the click drag functionality and the right click […]

wasmercj – Magnet-arino

This assignment was about 5 times more difficult than Gaussian Pox. Reusing the code from the labs seemed like the best way to get things displaying on the screen. It was way more of a struggle than it should’ve been to get the first 2 rectangles displayed on the screen. Once we did, however, a […]

FELLOMNK – Magnets on Acid

I thought at first that I would hate doing this assignment, but near the end of it, I actually kind of enjoyed it. That being said, my OnDraw method is one hell of an ugly hog, with all the stuff having to do with coloring the rectangles. I made a random color generator for my […]

pinterrm – HW2

I spent the majority of my time on this assignment on figuring out exactly how to draw magnets to the screen. Mostly because I was still stuck in a modeling state of mind and this lead to the thinking that I should upload every vertex as a 3d model of sorts in the orthographic projection […]

Gaussian Pox elwoodld

Overall the project was not conceptually hard. The biggest problems I had were remembering some of the quirks and how to’s of C++. That and making sure I didn’t flip flop variables. and overthinking problems. It was pretty straight forward, once you get the energy, assign color to a range. 


  I ran into a few significant snags in the project, the largest of which was probably getting the two different magnets to move individually.  After figuring that out the next problem was actually caused by a simple error with the unbinding of the shader, after solving that and a few other smaller problems the […]

FISHERJK – Magnets

Thought process: After translating the pseudo-code, the first thing I needed to do was figure out the relationship between the positions and faces of the magnets. I started off drawing the vertices, calculating the positions of the corners, and then labeling them in a counterclockwise manner to account for the face indices. Once I shipped […]

FISHERR – Magnets

For the magnet’s homework, my thought process was as follows: Designing C++ Classes:  The two classes included a MagnetRenderer and a Magnet.cpp file to provide the struct implementation and methods.  I needed to break down the Magnet pseudocode and translate to C++.  For the renderer class, I needed to design how the OnDraw method would […]

Ian Brown magnet

    My first problem with this lab was to fully understand the openGL implementation and learn how to deal with the different coordinate spaces, I ended up using the getOrthographic to just set my GL coordinates to the windows so i could easily switch between the two.  The next big challenge was to get […]

Gaussian Pox – breitc

After remembering the c++ header file syntax I worked on Image then incorporated it in Main.  Difficulties I ran into were my writePPM being very slow initially, but with help got it working and it was easy from there.  I stuck with the simplicity of normalization.

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