teaching machines

lavaniaj – Gaussian Pox

Creating the Image class and its methods went smoothly after I overcame my directional impairment. I wasted quite a bit of time trying to figure out why my energies were not calculating correctly in my main method. Instead of doing variable1 = pow(variable2, variable3), I was simply doing variable1 = (variable2, variable3). I was accidentally […]

pinterrm – HW1

I started with creating the Image class and its methods. This part was straightforward and with some test cases and verifying outputs the work was complete. I then moved onto analyzing the formula to be used as the center point of calculations. I made a list of structs for holding basic information related to the […]

Robby’s Gaussian Pox

For this assignment my thought process started by just getting the implementation of the Image class all sorted out. After that I moved into the actually application of the Image class using the Guassian Pox function in order to calculate our energy. After reading that carefully and being confident I understood what the end goal […]

spiegedj – HW 1

Hurdles:  One issue I had was that I was getting weird distortions around the edges of my bumps. This turned to be because I was printing the float value of the colors to my PPM file and gimp interprets 3.03984e-005 as 3. Additionally, testing the code to make sure it was correct was a challenge. Thought […]

FISHERJK – Gaussian Pox

Thought Process: My thought process with this assignment was to first start figuring out how the indexing of the RGB channels worked and what a Gaussian Bump meant in this context. I then needed to figure out how to structure this in relation to the PPM file format. After writing the  Image class components and trying to grapple with the […]

FISHERR – Gaussian Pox

        (The images above were generated with different dimensions, RGB color channels, and variances.) For the Gaussian Pox homework, my thought process was as follows: Designing C++ Classes:  I had to carefully identify the necessary variables,methods, and logic, that would make the Image, Bump, and GaussianPox classes coordinate together. Research: how to […]

Gaussian Pox Submission

    There were a few obstacles that I had to overcome to get this lab to work.  The first was to actually get the PPM file to write.  I had the wrong header to the file so it would just print out black stripes.  Once i got the file to work I had to […]

Shulk sword… in progress

Its a pretty flower.

Just a sword

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