teaching machines

pinterrm – HW3

Here is a rendering of the very famous event in which a droid and a snowman block..thing, exchange a rare CMOR coin while under close surveillance by a Blackbird. The process for this homework was fairly straightforward and mostly was combining knowledge from various labs into a single cohesive unit. One hurdle that I worked […]


    Theme: Since I was going to get knee-deep in blender, I wanted to create objects that were simple enough and unique enough to keep me interested in fine-tuning the littlest details. I decided on a making references to my favorite PlayStation One game: Crash Bandicoot (known for its many crates), and one of […]


1. Rubiks Cube 2. Captain America Shield 3. Pyramids (with perspective) 4. Sapphire (textured and non-textured) 5. Desert Floor 6. Sun (non-textured, and textured) For the sceen homework, my thought process was as follows: Designing C++ Classes:  Since there was only one SceenRenderer, the class design was straightforward. There was a lot of reusable code to […]

spiegedj – HW3

Thought Processes: Once I decided what scene I was going to make I searched the internet for some suitable models. I found some good ones and also made a couple of my own. After figuring out the texture mapping, I spend some some time positioning my objects just right. Most of this assignment was similar to […]

Cabin Scene brownif

This project was a little less tricky than the magnets one since we have already done labs that cover many of the things we needed to accomplish in this project and I am starting to understand OpenGL more. I started out by using the specular lab as a jumping off point and then created a […]

schuhaj – late magnets

My thought process was:  copy and paste CJ’s code and then try to get rid of the obvious errors.  That was an easy first step.  Next it was figuring out what was missing.  I didn’t realize until after getting the magnets on the screen that although my code didn’t have errors, it didn’t work.  Hours […]

Weirc – Magnets

I was not feeling confident before I started this assignment, because I know very little about the framework, and how the projection, theta, shift, scale parameters work with the matrix… Nothing was clear at that point, but now I’m grateful of this assignment, because it forced me to learn how those pieces intertwined and worked […]


Overall things went well. I have a few glitches when the magnets interact from the sides, but for the most part everything seems to be working as expected. The approach I took was to tackle the geometry first. I wanted to get all the rectangles placed and colored in the right way before I would […]

lavaniaj – HW2

I started with creating the magnet struct. The sudo code was easy to follow. After this I focused on getting two rectangles to display and making them different colors. The biggest hurdle with the assignment was figuring out how to color 2 separate rectangles. Once I figured that out all the other things fell into […]

Magnets – gutzmejr

I first wanted to get a rectangle appearing on the screen, then duplicate it, add the poles and interaction, and finally add the flipping functionality. I ended up doing the last two steps the other way around, with adding color thrown in there somewhere. The biggest obstacles besides initially getting the rectangle to appear was […]

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