teaching machines

Unity Football

For this assignment, Joel and I created a game who’s goal is to catch footballs. Footballs rain down as the player moves a pair of hands across the screen trying to catch them. If they player’s catch percentage drops below 75% after ten balls, the game is over. The game gets more difficult as play […]

U and I: Jake Berner

My app is a relatively simple and familiar app. If you’re familiar with the class MadLib game of filling in the blanks to make a silly story, then this app is for you! It’s called BadLib because the scripts aren’t that great, and neither are the resulting stories. The app makes use of TextView, EditText, […]

Persist – Dan Zirnhelt

I decided to make a contact list. It allows you to store first name, Last name and a phone number in a database.  This is built in a scroll-able list that will scroll if you add more then can be displayed on the screen.  I used my Galaxy S III to do all of my testing and […]

Presist :: Luke Mehring

For the Persist app I made a Spam texter.  All this app does is spams a phone number with x amount of the same message.  The first reason I made this app was to troll my roommate by sending him an amazing amount of texts as fast as I could.  Then I decided that this […]

U And I: Dave Moss Resub

I created a grocery list app, the purpose of which is to keep track of what you need to buy from the grocery store. A fairly interesting thing I learned was that to store a list in the SharedPreferences, you need to use a workaround since it cannot store straight up lists. to do this […]

TODO: Landon Burlingham

I’ve been thinking about this quite a bit lately and although its a little behind schedule I think I finally know what I would like to learn about in this class. The first thing that really got my attention was a mouse controller for windows with a tablet. Although i know there are some out […]

Web APIs – Joe Simon

For my web api assignment I decided to make an app that allows you to search for GitHub repositories using their developer API. This screen allows you to enter a keyword to search for. .    This screen displays the results in a ListView. The GitHub developer API is going through some changes right now […]

U and I :: Luke Mehring

I made a fairly simple app that acts as a strobe light.  I know we did it as a class but I started working on this before we did that and all I needed to learn was the handler part.  I tried a lot of different methods to get the thread to sleep or something, […]

U and I: Tom Statz

Orienteering App The purpose of this app is to get your current coordinates using the phone’s GPS.   The app can calculate a compass bearing to a set of coordinates that the user gives it.  A compass can be opened as a second activity.  In making this app I used a total of eight Textbox’s, […]

U and I :: Travis Boettcher

For my U and I project, I wanted to do something that would be useful to me.  My first thought was to flesh out the 7 Wonders scoring app we had worked on in class, but there are already 7 Wonders scoring apps on Google Play (they’re just not very good).  Instead, I decided to […]

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