teaching machines


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=72HpMLsa5Yo   Honestly, it could have been better but our plot creation process wasn’t perfected at the time!


gamer nerd

UandI – Morrissp

This app is made to be an order form and log book. I used buttons, Textviews’ for labels, Edittexts’ for inputs, and also included a set of radio buttons. For my main activity i used a vertical linear layout with many horizontal linear layouts on it, which was simple and easy but tedious. I included […]

U and I – Corey Schulz

My app is a simple color picker. The main activity has three input boxes for red, green, and blue values. After the text is submitted (the enter key), the background updates to be the resulting color.                 There is also a “Full Screen” button that starts an activity […]

What Makes an RPG?

Hi Friends, I found this post on joystiq.com (which if you don’t read regularly, good! It’s nothing but forum trolls…yet I find myself addicted) and it’s a pretty cool read on what makes an RPG. If you’ve got a few minutes and want to read it, check it out. -Matthew

U and I -Cameron Bjorklund

  For the U and I assignment I have created an app that will aid in counting your Cribbage hand. For those of you un-familiar with the card game Cribbage, there is a point in the game where you end up with a “5 card hand” (4 cards in your hand but a special card […]

U And I:: Adam King

Are you tired of having TOO many paint tools at your disposal?  Do you scoff at the mention of Fireworks, Photoshop, or Flash?  Do you wish you could revert back to the days of fingerpainting?  There’s an app for that.  Introducing Paint–™. I wanted to write a paint app as a way to work with […]

Lab 1 – J3C

Here is the lab one video for John, Jason, Joel, and Corey. [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gX39wgCJ0OQ]

U and I: Chris Sippel

Starting Strength App The purpose of this app is to act as a calculator for warm up sets when lifting weights. It was designed around Mark Rippetoe’s(his face is the icon) Starting Strength Program but can be used for any program. The basic function is that a user enters in the starting weight (weight of […]

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