teaching machines

TODO – Joe Simon

1. A GitHub app that lets you browse through all of the repositories on the site. It would also allow you to save repos to be viewed later. 2. An SSH terminal app that allows to connect and issue commands to your server. It would have the same look and feel of terminals that you […]

Nogramming: Jake Berner

My contribution to the mobile arts is a web comic. Please forgive the darkness, I had to take pictures with an HTC because I do not have a scanner. Hope you like it!

Nogramming :: Becky Sippert

For my Nogramming homework, I made a word search using terms relating to several of the things we have learned this semester. I’ve attached the puzzle and its key Puzzle: nogramming Key: nogrammingkey

Tom Statz : Persist

For this assignment I created a GeoCacheBuddy app.  It takes a lot of the user interface out of my UandI app, but has quite a few differences.  The MainActivity holds a ListView populated with Caches that have been stored in a Database.  It also has EditTexts on the bottom for adding new Cache’s.   Simply […]

Cameron Bjorklund – Persist

My app is designed for two people (maybe a significant other) living together and want to keep count on each others costs so that they remain even.  Basically, after you are done shopping for mutual groceries, or maybe you share a car and you bought the gas, you add that to the database. Whenever you want to […]

SuperMunchkin (Persist) – Andy Hurd

Over the past few months, some friends and I have extensively played the card game Munchkin.  In Munchkin, players roam through a dungeon “kicking down doors” to reveal monsters, items, and curses while they accumulate levels and gear to help them defeat ever stronger monsters.  While a player’s current cards in play contain most of the relevant […]

Adam King: Web APIs

For my Web API assignment, I decided to use the World of Warcraft Community API to develop an app that lets you view relevant character information.  The features I implemented for now mostly focus on looking at raid progression and item level, allowing the user to check a character’s progression across all of the raids […]

Persist – Corey Schulz

The background story for this app is the issue of web browsing with a slow internet connection. If you know exactly where you want to go, but it takes several link clinks to get there, you will be spending more time navigating to the page than you will spend on it. Normally to solve this […]

Trick or Treat!

Trick or Treat game for Michael and Hannah. http://www.twodee.org/teaching/honors304-503/2012C/homework/hm/

Adam King: NoGramming

I was beaten to the punch!  I’ve been documenting some observations as well as my woes and frustrations in programming for Android (such as my ongoing struggles with Eclipse demanding @targetAPI in odd places like a toString method) in haiku format.  Hopefully a couple of them will be found decent.  A few of them may […]

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