teaching machines

Object Instantiation- The Easy and Clean Way

For one of our labs, we had to write a C# script to instantiate objects in Unity to form a two-dimensional platform level. From what I heard while we were working on this, there were a lot of people with several ‘if…then’ statements, which ends up being ugly and not very future-proof. The method that […]

Chris Sippel :: Nogramming

For my Nogramming assignment I decided to make a clay android with LED’s for eyeballs. I started with a block of clay and made a cylinder, half circle and then the arms and legs. Then I cut a 3 white LED’s from an LED strip I bought off amazon(5 meters for $13, I originally bought these […]

Cameron Bjorklund – WebAPI

In my webapi application, a user can type in a music artists name, and my app will than reach out to the internet and pull that artists top 10 tracks ever recorded and place them in a listview. My app uses http://www.last.fm/. The application sends an artist to this URL, http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/?method=artist.gettoptracks&artist=ARTIST&api_key=xxxxxxx&limit=10&format=json, and is returned with the […]

Persist :: Matthew Mitchell

  This sucker was one problem after another. First my database wouldn’t compile. Then I couldn’t insert anything into it once it compiled. Then I couldn’t view anything once I inserted it. Then I…you get the point. Finally after much Google’ing I found an amazing tutorial wherein the author offered up all of his code […]

Scribble (U and I) – Andy Hurd

For the U and I lab, I decided to make a drawing app where you can either draw alone locally, or connect via Bluetooth to another device and draw with a friend.  As the “artists” draw, paths are redrawn in layers by pushing new paths onto the local and remote path lists and can be […]

Web API – Sinfestivus – Jake Berner

My roommate keeps track of his web comics via mobile apps that are written and provided by the web comic sites they serve. One of our favorite web comics, however, did not have an app available, so I thought it would be a good project for this assignment. I call the app “Sinfestivus”, the web […]

Web API :: Tom Statz

For this assignment I thought it would be cool to create an app to pull down links from Reddit.  Basically the first Activity is for getting the assigned links and displaying the titles in a ListView.  When they are clicked an Intent is issued for the browser to visit that link.  I used a lot […]

Nogramming :: Dave Moss

For my Nogramming I decided to create some Haikus to go along with some of the lessons that we’ve had so far in this class. Enjoy! Activity done, But test the code and it fails Check the Manifest XML Layouts Simplicity and control Boo code made widgets What do you intend? Let your activity know! […]

Nogramming – Corey Schulz

For my nogramming assignment, I decided to do a mix of a crossword puzzle and a word search. So I guess it’s a word puzzle. There is a list of words and a crossword-like board. Of course, all of the words are related to mobile development. I’m guessing it can be solved in a lot […]

house model

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