teaching machines

CS 491 Homework 1 – Adam King

I read the syllabus! By the end of the semester I am hoping to know how to write an assortment of apps, some of which could ultimately be combined to create more full feature apps such as a way to secure a list of reminders/appointments. Device Security:  An application adding either alternate security, such as […]

Final Project – BarApp

This one was a lot tougher to do that expected since the other half of my program was not being completed due to the unfortunate accident that put Mike in the hospital. Originally the design document called for a local cache of bar specials to be stored on each phone and was going to have […]

Walkthrough/Service description apps

For the final project, I added to an old app and also created another to go with it.   Originally I intended to expand the functionality of the database app we made earlier this semester.  I did add some features, such as a tabular view and a database of machines to choose from, but did not implement […]

RepreWho – take 2 Final Project

The greatest app to ever storm the CS491 class is back in a brand new shiny interface! Ok, so probably not the best app, but definitely the most fun one I wrote. Of all the apps I wrote it’s pretty much the only one I’d consider actually publishing. But then I started thinking – I […]

Beat Mixer – Final – wirthaw

For my final project my original idea was to create a beat box app that would allow you to record and overall different beats to make a beat with your own voice. Long story short that didn’t happen. After an epic virus that deleted my computers boot files(good defense panda cloud antivirus!) and some difficulties with sound pool […]

Final Project : Vampire Assassin

Vampire Assassin for iOS While this is still a work in progress, and should take me another month to polish up for consumer release… the most important bits are complete enough for a sufficient writeup. This app is at its core, a player that can buy and sell items from the shop, equip said items […]

Final Project: Task Man Special Edition

Initially for this final project I had planned on doing a twitter client complete with basic news feed, the ability to make a tweet, look at other users, etc…  Unfortunately I had many issues with using Twitter’s Rest API, especially when parsing out data I got back and getting users to authenticate.  Because of these […]

Final Project: Match 3 Game – thompbla

For my final project I originally wanted to create a single screen platforming game. With time I realized it was much more than I anticipated and the game engines that would have made rendering easier seemed ill documented. I finally decided to trash that project and work on a match three game where the goal […]

Final Project- Jacoblj

For my final app I decided to make an alarm clock. My goal was to make an alarm clock that ran faster than the one I am using now (I have a very slow android phone). I would like to say that I have it completely finished and that I am ready to use it, but this is […]

Final Project – Reader-animated Storybook (first iteration)

This app is a first draft of a framework for the Reader-animated Storybooks research project I’m working on. I departed from the design document in that some of the features (like a voice-controlled menu screen) seemed irrelevant once I got down to building this. There are enough neat things to build into the final product […]

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