teaching machines

Nogramming :: Travis Boettcher

For my nogramming assignment, I decided to write a couple of tutorials explaining how to do a couple of things I’ve recently been using on my phone. The first will explain how to set up WiFi calling on an Android phone, and the second will briefly go over what I had to go through to […]

WebAPI: Landon Burlingham

For my WebAPI poject I decided to make a finder for similar artists using Last.FM. I thought about this for awhile and because I am such a fan of their website and of music I wanted to do something with them. I created an app where you can type in an artists and it would […]

Mehring — WebAPI – Weather

For the WebAPI assignment I found a website (yahoo) that gives you the weather for an area code if you simply insert the correct zip into the url. http://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?q=select%20item%20from%20weather.forecast%20where%20location%3D%2248907%22&format=json In the url 48907 is the zip code.   The UI is simple enough, it just dynamically updates after you enter a zip code and hit get weather! […]

HNRS 304.503 Lecture 19 – Figures

Agenda Texture volunteer Normal mapping In-class box modeling Adding non-color material Materials don’t have to effect just color. You can pretend that very simple geometry is more detailed than it is through something called a normal map. Create your geometry and give it a material. Add a texture to the material. Change its type to […]

Mobile Web: Adam King

My mobile web project ending up mostly being rather disappointing compared to what I originally planned due to constant struggling with JavaScript/HTML/Cordova and time constraints.  However, it was probably one of the largest learning experiences of all of the projects.  The app is a simple media player and recorder.  I created a CordovaPlugin to get […]

WebAPI :: Becky Sippert

The SpotiFind app’s purpose is to search Spotify’s music database for an artist, album, or track. It displays search results in a ListView. When one of the ListView items is selected, the app opens the corresponding detail view for the artist, album, or track selected. The app is also able to move between detail views. […]

Object Instantiation- The Easy and Clean Way

For one of our labs, we had to write a C# script to instantiate objects in Unity to form a two-dimensional platform level. From what I heard while we were working on this, there were a lot of people with several ‘if…then’ statements, which ends up being ugly and not very future-proof. The method that […]

Chris Sippel :: Nogramming

For my Nogramming assignment I decided to make a clay android with LED’s for eyeballs. I started with a block of clay and made a cylinder, half circle and then the arms and legs. Then I cut a 3 white LED’s from an LED strip I bought off amazon(5 meters for $13, I originally bought these […]

Cameron Bjorklund – WebAPI

In my webapi application, a user can type in a music artists name, and my app will than reach out to the internet and pull that artists top 10 tracks ever recorded and place them in a listview. My app uses http://www.last.fm/. The application sends an artist to this URL, http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/?method=artist.gettoptracks&artist=ARTIST&api_key=xxxxxxx&limit=10&format=json, and is returned with the […]

HNRS 304.503 Lecture 18 – Complexture

Agenda Valve’s employee handbook how do we assign multiple materials to geometry in Blender? how do we use Blender’s material system to generate textures usable in Unity? what on Earth is bump mapping? Multiple textures Your geometry can have materials assigned to independent faces. Configure your multiple materials. Use the + sign to the right […]

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