teaching machines

TODO :: Travis Boettcher

I read the syllabus!  But not before the sixth :(  Oh well! I signed up for this class with an idea in mind: by the end of it I wanted to be able to complete a project I had been contemplating for a while.  I use a program called GnuCash to keep track of all […]

TODO: Andy Hurd

I read the syllabus! Phone / Data Network Signal Mapper This app would take in GPS and connectivity data and map the observed hot spots and dead zones through which the user travels. Mileage and Speed Tracker This would mostly be an application for exercise that could track a walking, running, or biking route and […]

TODO – Anders Peteson

I read the syllabus! The five apps that I’d like to know how to write are: – Games that involve fast-pace puzzles and multiple touch tracking. – GPS based app that finds good lakes to fish on. – App that can manipulate preloaded audio files. – An App that involves a physics engine that tracks […]

TODO: Morrissp

I read the Syllabus! Five apps that i’d like to know how to make are: 1. A game using a physics engine like stacking or explosions. 2. An app that searches the web or uses another app. 3. An app that uses voice recognition. 4. An app that uses the camera. 5. An app that […]

TODO – Cameron Bjorklund

I read the syllabus!   1. I would really like to know how to create some kind of game that 2 (or more?) players can share some sort of “game board” and alter it in real time and the other player would be able to see the updates. The specific one I have in mind […]

Homework 1 TODO – Tom Statz

I read the syllabus! Here are the five apps I would like to be able to program before the end of the semester: A game where you connect dots to make as many four sided boxes as you can.  It would utilize the touch screen and be multi-player. An app for geologists  that helps them […]

I rode the silly bus!

I read the syllabus! There, FIXED! By the end of the semester, I would like to have some direction towards writing the following types of apps: Touch based games (of course). Informational/alert type applications like weather or sports to consume web services or web based XML data. Apps that make use of the camera and […]

Homework 1 TODO

I read the syllabus! Strobe Light: It uses the camera flash and just turns it off and on over and over as quickly as possible. Maybe have a scale on the screen to change rate. Playing music through the app from the phone memory would be a cool feature as well. Note Widget: It simply […]

Matthew Mitchell TODO

I read the syllabus! Five apps I’d like to learn how to write this semester…well, iOS is my primary interest, however, I’m really excited just to get hands-on experience coding for a mobile device. In my dabbling thus far with writing an application in C++ or Java or Python or whatever, it’s a very different […]

TODO – Corey Schulz

I read the syllabus! Here is a list of five apps I would like to have the knowledge to write by the end of the semester. A game that has user accounts that can indirectly interact with others. A shared whiteboard with live updates. Integrating with the GPS for tracking user routes. Using RSS feeds […]

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